Renovations to the public areas including replacement of moving walkways, toilet room renovation and expansion, terrazzo installation in the common circulation areas, ceiling replacement, new wayfinding signage and mechanical, plumbing and electrical work as required to support the renovation.
This Contract is subject to the requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 – Participation by DBE in Department of Transportation Financial Assistance Programs and the City’s DBE Program. The City’s DBE program, DBE program instructions, and DBE forms can be found at:
The City has established a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation goal of Twelve Percent (12.00%) for this contract. Subcontracting firms must be DBE certified through NCDOT to count towards participation.
For questions regarding the DBE participation goal, please contact CLT Airport’s Office of Civil Rights Manager, Jasmyne Turman, at
This project includes the extension of the existing basement refrigeration condenser water loop. The awarded contractor shall be responsible for the installation of a 2” refrigeration condenser water loop main extension from the basement level of the main terminal to a tie-in point on the ramp level baggage handling room. The awarded contractor shall be responsible for coordinating condenser water pipe routing with the Terminal Lobby Expansion contractor prior to construction. In addition, the awarded contractor shall coordinate existing condenser water system shutdown(s) as needed to complete the system tie-in.
The purpose of this contract shall be to purchase parts and supplies to repair passenger loading bridges, baggage, conveyor systems and power transmission drivers, to include those for HVAC air handlers.
The scope of this contract shall be to provide plumbing parts and supplies for the benefit of various Charlotte Douglas Airport facilities.
The scope of this contract shall be to provide the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) and the Baggage Handling Controls (BHC) of the Baggage Handling System (“BHS”). The scopes are broken out into two sections, one covering the Baggage Handling Controls (BHC) which consists of both the High-Level Controls (“HLC”) combined with the low-level controls (“LLC”) of the BHS. The second scope will cover the Operations and Maintenance (“O&M”) of the BHS System. The airport operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so both the (BHC) and (O&M) scopes will require coverage of “Work” to match the airport’s operation. Both scopes will include corrective and preventative maintenance services with associated operation and maintenance reporting services. The proposer shall provide separate pricing for the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) scope and the Baggage Handling Controls (BHC) scope. The Baggage Handling Controls (BHC) and the Operations and Maintenance (“O&M”) portions of this scope of work may be awarded separately. Should the O&M and the (BHC) portions of the Work be awarded to multiple proposers, the Company shall fully cooperate with the other company to ensure the continual operation of the BHS. Where there is a conflict between the companies, CLT has the sole authority to make the final decision.
The Airfield Maintenance Department of the Facilities Division of CLT maintains hard surface areas of the airfield, tenant and CLT parking areas, and private roadways on CLT property. The intent of this solicitation is to select a company to provide repairs utilizing selected construction materials for specific projects at various locations on airport property on an as needed basis during the duration of the scheduled contract. The Scope of Services requires the contractor to furnish all supervision, labor, materials, machinery, tools, equipment, and services, and perform and complete all work in an efficient and workmanlike manner necessary to complete construction of the PCC Spall Repair Program
The Airfield Maintenance Department of the Facilities Division of CLT maintains hard surface areas of CLT’s airfield, and other areas as-needed. The intent of this solicitation is to select a company to provide repairs utilizing selected construction materials for specific projects at various locations on airport property on an as needed basis during the duration of the scheduled contract. The Scope of Services requires the contractor to furnish all supervision, labor, materials, machinery, tools, equipment, and services, and perform and complete all work in an efficient and workmanlike manner necessary to complete construction of the PCC Spall Repair Program.
Charlotte Douglas International Airport is establishing an Multi Year Asphalt Maintenance Program. This program will include asphalt replacement and repair maintenance services at various locations as needed for property and facilities managed by the Aviation Department. Task Orders will be issued with details concerning the services to be provided.
City of Charlotte Aviation Department is seeking a consultant team to review existing building systems, perform a building infrastructure masterplan, perform select detailed analysis, and develop preliminary designs for building infrastructure systems, including mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, among other specialized building systems.