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Welcome to EarlyBird, the City of Charlotte Business Opportunities Pipeline! This site is a comprehensive listing of Active and In Development contracting opportunities across all City of Charlotte departments. Projects can be searched using keywords, by commodity code, or using a variety of filters to narrow down opportunities your business may be interested in participating in. Click on the orange Requirements button on the Opportunity to see additional details about the project and specific requirements that may be helpful in preparing to participate in an upcoming solicitation. You can also “follow” a project using various social media channels to get notifications when the requirements are updated, or once the project moves from “In Development” to “Active” status.
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Aviation / Technology Goods & Services
On Call Technology Services
Aviation / Construction
Concourse E – Phase 10
Add a small addition onto concourse E of approximately 4,350-7,150sf for offices. Base bid will be a 4,350sf addition with 2ea add alternates to add a 1,400sf bay/ea alternate for a potential maximum of 7,150sf. This area to be shell space, divided into 2 separate tenant spaces. Divider wall will be designed and installed to separate the two separate tenant spaces. Location of proposed addition is on the west side of concourse E between the employee turnstile and aircraft envelope E4.
Aviation / Construction
Concourse A Modifications
This Project aims to modify and relocate existing equipment, replace tables, add an experiential element, and extend tenant services at the Charlotte Douglas International Airport. The modifications of the existing equipment will accommodate a dual-use system at each Gate Counter including the electrical and data infrastructure leading up to the network. There will be a Flight Information Display System” that will need to be relocated in the connecting corridor which includes structural attachments to the building and repairs to the existing Terrazzo. Work hours between 2300 – 0500 EST to prevent disruption to Airport Operations. This project will require 100% badging for all workers.
Aviation / General Services
Integrated Pest Management Services
The Airport is seeking a qualified company to provide Integrated Pest Management (IPM) services. The company must supply all necessary supervision, labor, materials, tools, supplies, equipment, transportation, and applicable licenses and permits required to perform these services at CLT. CLT’s IPM program is defined as a comprehensive approach to preventing and solving pest issues through education, inspection, identification, sanitation, exclusion, communication, biological and mechanical controls, and, when appropriate, targeted applications. IPM services must be conducted in a way that ensures the health and well-being of both the public and airport personnel. The company is also responsible for removing and disposing of all dead pests covered under this contract. The job site includes approximately 2 million square feet of interior facilities, multiple on-property buildings, CLT buses, and parking lots.
Department of General Services / Construction
McCullough Drive Extension
An extension of McCullough Drive, from it’s current terminus east
of southeast of North Tryon Street, to the disconnected terminus
southwest of W.T. Harris Blvd. It is already designed and real
estate acquired. This is necessary for splitting this project apart
from the McCullough Streetscape Project. Length = 0.272 miles
Department of General Services / Construction
Shamrock Drive Complete Street
Project limits are from Beckwith Place to Flamingo Ave (0.9 miles). Project includes new turn lanes, sidewalks, painted buffered bike lanes, two roundabouts, wheelchair ramps, ped medians, driveways, curb and gutter, storm drainage, street trees, public art and pedestrian crossings.
Department of General Services / Construction
Cross Charlotte Trail (XCLT)− Matheson to Craighead
The Matheson to Craighead segment of the Cross Charlotte Trail will implement a 14-foot shared use path beginning at E 36th Street. The path will continue down Cullman Ave and board walk up into a pedestrian bridge spanning the Norfolk Southern Railroad tracks utilizing a prefabricated structure within railroad right of way. The structure will then connect to the existing trail built by Brand Properties within the Kaleido Noda apartment complex.
Charlotte Water / Construction
Sugar Creek WWTP Influent Pump Station Electrical Building Settlement ... Sugar Creek WWTP Influent Pump Station Electrical Building Settlement Improvements
This contract will be to correct the settlement of the electrical building at the influent pump station. The improvements will require pressure grouting under the existing slab. Installation of micropiles or helical piers will be needed at selected locations.
Charlotte Water / Construction
Sugar Creek WWTP East Equalization Basin Joint Repair
This contract will be for the rehabilitation of the east equalization basin. Construction will require the removal and replacement of deteriorating joint materials. This project will also include high pressure crack injection repairs.
Charlotte Water / Architectural / Engineering Services
Franklin Water Treatment Plant Electrical Upgrades Engineering Service ... Franklin Water Treatment Plant Electrical Upgrades Engineering Services
This project provides design services to support electrical system upgrades at the Franklin Water Treatment Plant. Work includes the construction of a centralized generator building, modernization of medium and low voltage switchgear, rehabilitation of existing transfer switches, and instrumentation/control modifications. A Preliminary Engineering Report will guide the final scope of work.
Charlotte Water / General Services
Sugar Creek Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Tank Installation
This contract covers the installation of a new gas and diesel fuel tank at the Sugar Creek facility. The project will support fleet fueling operations and ensure compliance with environmental regulations. Proper installation and containment measures will be included.
Charlotte Water / General Services
McDowell Lime 2nd Structure Exterior Rehabilitation
This project involves rehabilitation of the exterior of McDowell Lime Structure 2. The work will include repairs, repainting, and other necessary maintenance to protect the structure from environmental wear. This upkeep is to ensure the longevity of the facility.
Contract(s) will be used to provide maintenance and support for systems purchased under these Contracts. Contracts may include additional software licenses, services, and hardware. These task order Contracts will provide Aviation the necessary flexibility to ensure the needs of the rapidly changing environment are met. It is critical to ensure the Airport’s technology systems are stable and safe to allow tenants to connect to their own technology systems.