This construction project is located just east of downtown along an unnamed tributary to Little Sugar Creek on Louise Ave. The purpose and need for the project is to improve the storm drainage infrastructure (i.e. pipe systems and culverts) to reduce flooding and to enhance degraded stream reaches to reduce erosion and improve water quality.
McKee Creek Tributary – Larkhaven GC Trunk Sewer – Cancelled
Project consists of approximately 6,700 linear feet (LF) of gravity sewer along McKee Creek Tributary.
McKee Road Water Main Extension – Cancelled
Water main extension will coincide with the extension of McKee Road to East John Street, and will consist of approximately 2 miles of 12-16″ pipe.
Storm Water Repair and Improvement FY2021-A
Work performed under this contract will consist of storm water infrastructure repair and improvement projects within the city limits of Charlotte, NC. Work will involve mobilization, earthwork, drainage structures, storm drain pipe systems, channels, working over, under, near, and around existing private utilities asphalt paving, concrete flatwork, and landscaping and any associated work required by the Engineer. Other work may include structural foundation protection, storm water pipe lining, storm water pipe joint and structure repair, water and sewer (relocations, installations and adjustments). Storm Water maintenance work may be located entirely within or a combination of the street right-of-way, private, residential and commercial properties.
Storm Water Repair and Improvement FY2021-A
Work performed under this contract will consist of storm water infrastructure repair and improvement projects within the city limits of Charlotte, NC. Work will involve mobilization, earthwork, drainage structures, storm drain pipe systems, channels, working over, under, near, and around existing private utilities asphalt paving, concrete flatwork, and landscaping and any associated work required by the Engineer. Other work may include structural foundation protection, storm water pipe lining, storm water pipe joint and structure repair, water and sewer (relocations, installations and adjustments). Storm Water maintenance work may be located entirely within or a combination of the street right-of-way, private, residential and commercial properties.
Can Style Lift Stations Phase I – Cancelled
Removal and replacing existing control panels of each lift station, and other miscellaneous site work for installation of a new control cabinet and meter vault.
960 Zone North-South Transmission Main – Cancelled
30,500 LF of 30-inch between Idlewild discharge main and Hickory Grove EST
960 Zone West-East Transmission Main – Cancelled
16,000 linear feet (LF) of 30-inch between existing 30-inch on Albemarle Rd and the Wilgrove EST
978 Zone PCCP Replacement Main- Cancelled
Proposed 32,000 linear feet of 12-inch water main extending north from 978 zone resiliency booster pump station.