DUPLICATE of “Traffic Control Services”
The City of Charlotte provides direct traffic control and logistical support for the Spectrum Center which is host to an estimated 125 sporting, music, business, and other events a year. To reduce visitor risk, increase visitor return rates and minimize oversight and recurring management of City staff, the City has determined that a Traffic Control Plan, and a Company to perform portions of this plan are necessary for select events. During the last year, the City and current Company have provided this support for over 69 events. The selected Company shall be the sole provider of traffic control services for the Spectrum Center and designated areas around the Spectrum Center.
The City is responsible for maintaining a portfolio of approximately 180 buildings, including offices, fire stations, police division offices, and equipment shops, that house various City activities. The City also maintains cultural facilities, including museums and arenas that serve as venues for sports, entertainment, and other events. Contracts resulting from this RFP may be used by various City departments for needs across the entire City organization, including the Airport and the Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS).
The Company shall provide maintenance and repair services for approximately 250 sectional, rollup, rolling steel doors, rolling grills, and commercial fire doors located at police stations, fire stations, Charlotte Area Transit System facilities, and cultural facilities. Occasionally, the work may include replacement and installation of new doors. The Company shall respond to emergency calls for service within 4 hours. Services include all labor, materials, equipment, and supervision for the overhead door projects.
The Building Services Division of the General Services Department/Engineering and Project Management is responsible for maintaining a portfolio of approximately 180 buildings, including offices, fire stations, police division offices, and equipment shops, that house various City activities. The City also maintains cultural facilities, including museums and arenas that serve as venues for sports, entertainment, and other events. Contracts resulting from this RFP may be used by various City departments for needs across the entire City organization, including the Airport.
The City plans to contract with one or more companies to provide annual routine preventive maintenance and repair services, as well as services on an on-call as-needed basis (collectively referred to as Services), for solar photovoltaic (PV) systems currently in existence or under construction as listed in the table below. Systems may be added or removed from the list in accordance with the City’s needs. The City is seeking firms whose combination of experience and expertise will provide professional, timely, and cost-effective services to the City.
The Company will deliver to the City a plan for preventive maintenance and cleaning to ensure maximum efficiencies in the operation of all equipment per manufacturer specifications. The preventive maintenance and cleaning plan will include, at minimum, the following tasks, which the Company will perform at all the specified City PV system sites within 30 business days of receiving a Task Order, and every eleven (11) months thereafter if authorized by subsequent Task Orders:
- inspect generation meter and monitoring equipment;
- validate display data accuracy;
- verify that system production is accurately communicated via remote monitoring software (e.g. SolarEdge Monitoring Platform);
- visually inspect PV system condition including all modules and any auxiliary equipment;
- inspect solar PV system modules for any signs of degradation;
- clean all solar thermal collectors (with low PSI cleaning and biodegradable cleaning products);
- confirm inverter operating modes (standby; startup and on);
- inspect and maintain blower intake filters and electronics section air filters;
- verify proper fan operation on each inverter;
- check the inverters heat sinks and clean as needed;
- check inverter enclosure seals for damage;
- visually inspect the condition of all inverter cables and connections, and roof-top exposed wiring and electrical connections;
- confirm power supply and transformer output;
- check module ground connections;
- complete mechanical inspection of connections and wiring;
- measure the torque of all electrical connections and re-torque as needed;
- perform a complete array electrical performance verification including visual and mechanical inspection and string level electrical tests with Solmetric Analyzer;
- inspect flashings and sealants at roof penetrations;
- inspect racking with particular attention to major fasteners; corrosion or damage; array shifting from wind; and thermal cycling damage;
- tighten any solar module mounting hardware as needed;
- remove debris and any blockage of roof drainage around racking;
- inspect for and mitigate any vegetation and pest activity; and
- complete thermal imagery in support of diagnosing any potential and actual performance issues.
Canceled 12/10/21
CATS Bus Operations requires a service contract for installation of bus decals and wraps.
PSR 951
The City of Charlotte Department of Transportation (CDOT) is responsible for the removal of snow and ice on City maintained streets. Additional resources are needed to clear streets during extraordinary winter weather events. Contractors provide additional dump truck and plowing equipment with licensed operators to supplement City services.
This solicitation will be to provide a connection point for a portable generator hookup at our Fleet Maintenance Facility. The desired emergency loads will have to be divided out into an emergency panel and the emergency panel will be supplied by a manual transfer switch. The Airport would like the generator to provide standby power for the fire pump, front office computer loads, shop air compressor, trapeze power throughout the shop, all lighting, tire rack balancer and mounter, oil lube pumps, etc. The term for this contract is four months.
Cancelled – CATS Bus Operations requires a services and goods contract to purchase, maintain, and repair maintenance shop tools.
PSR#: 954
CATS is looking for a contractor to surface interlockings to maintain proper track geometry. The vendor must have the machinery to tamp through switches and crossings. Surfacing equipment must have the ability to tamp, lift, level, and line in order to remove existing faults in longitudinal and alignment faults in the track. This will be a slow process as the track geometry is constantly changing as the machine moves through the switch. Typically, it takes around 1 to 1.30 hours to complete a single switch, due to the cabling and condition. CATS will provide a pilot that will help with track access. The vendor is responsible to ensure all machines can safely traverse the alignment, specs, and diagrams for the alignment will be available from CATS if needed. Vendors will need to be RWPP certified that will be given by CATS personnel before the shift begins.
PSR 1149
CATS MOW will need to solicit a railroad contractor to surface bridge and crossing approaches to maintain proper track geometry. The railroad contractor must have the equipment to weld track structure, machinery to tamp bridge and crossing approaches. Surfacing equipment must have the ability to tamp, lift, level and line in order to remove existing faults in longitudinal and alignment defects in the track structure. CATS MOW will provide a pilot that will assist with track access. CATS MOW will provide ballast and field weld kits for use as needed. The railroad contractor is responsible to ensure all machines can safely traverse the alignment, specs and diagrams for the alignment will be available from CATS if needed. The railroad contractor will need to be RWPP certified that will also be provided by CATS Safety personnel before fouling the Blue Line right of way.
The work will be performed during CATS annual shutdown which will consist over 2 days. Beginning on Friday at approximately 0000 and ending on Sunday evening 1800 hours. The railroad contractor would be required to have sufficient resources to support work throughout the shutdown time period to maximize production during the shutdown window.
PSR 1337