Rail Tool Calibration

Requesting a solicitation for Rail Maintenance and Maintenance Wayside equipment calibration. Seeking competitive proposals from accredited calibration service’s to provide repair and calibration services for test and measurement equipment. It is the desire of CATS Rail Operations to partner with multiple vendors for these services.

Calibration of tools and equipment is a necessary part of the quality control process for CATS Rail Operations for proper maintenance of our railcars and rail infrastructure. Tools that have exceeded their calibration due date are taken out of rotation and noted as past the calibration due date.

CATS Rail Operations is governed by our own internal calibration policy which is largely based on APTA standards. In compliance with our calibration policy, CATS Rail Operations sends out equipment throughout the year for calibration and/or repair utilizing various vendors and annually hosts an onsite calibration.

PSR 912

Fire Extinguisher Products and Services

Charlotte Water will be issuing an RFQ  to help meet Charlotte Water’s needs with regard to fire equipment, maintenance, training, and inspection services.

Golf Village restoration service

Charlotte Water is seeking a company to provide restoration service to Golf Village’s driving range, located in South Charlotte. Charlotte Water acquired an easement diagonally across Golf Village driving range for the Steele Creek Pumping Station Replacement project.  The project included a force main, which was installed across the property in 2017. The driving range is nearly completely flat, has an uneven grade that blocks drainage, causing large puddles to form after rain. Several attempts to remedy this situation have not been successful.

A company will need specialized equipment such as laser-guided construction equipment for grading the driving range to allow for even drainage, 3-5 years experience in restoring a golf course driving range, obtaining all permits, etc.

CATS Facilities Air Compressor Service and Bus Air Compressor PM – Repair Contract

Contract needed for Air Compressor Service and Bus Air Compressor Repair – Periodical Maintenance. Maintenance and repair services for four (4) dryers and four (4) air compressors and service for 8 buses . The scope of work shall be at a  minimum the performance of basic service to all compressors and air dryers every three months, and to also perform basic services to all compressors and air dryers on an annual basis.


PSR 805

PSR 1071

Condenser Water Loop System – Concourse E- Phase 9 – Sycamore Brewing & PDQ

The purpose of this contract is to build a complete Condenser Water Loop as designed by AME Consulting Engineers. The system will be designed using a shell and tube heat exchanger connected to the Airport’s Central Chiller Plant, chilled water piping, to provide tempered condenser water for the food concessions, water-cooled, condensing units on walk-in cooler and freezers. Contract term 90 days.

Vacant Parcel / Brush mowing

Provide Brush mow maintenance of city owned parcels, trash removal, minor trimming, landscaping and similar work. The work covered by this project consists of all labor, equipment and performing of all operations necessary to bush hog and otherwise maintain vacant land, fields, drainage areas or otherwise unoccupied land. Work may occur around areas with buildings to
be demolished, construction areas, vacated parking lots, road shoulders or other areas that may present unique hazards. Areas may be sloped, rough terrain or flat ground. Contractor is required to provide all safety operations such as lane closures, signage or similar to create a safe work zone for their staff and limit impacts to traffic or operations around the site. All lane closures will be coordinated in advance with airport representative.

Insurance Brokerage Services

The City requires a qualified insurance brokerage firm to perform Services for the City of Charlotte. Through an inter-local agreement, the City’s Office of Risk Management provides property and casualty risk management services to: the City of Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education, the Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County (PLCMC), MEDIC, and the Charlotte Regional Visitors Authority (CRVA). Collectively, these organizations are known herein as the Entities. The Company shall perform work and services on assignments related to supporting the Entities in their risk management and insurance needs. Services include market analysis, coverage recommendations and placements, consulting services, and other related services.

Amazon Property Landscape Maintenance

The Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) seeks to award a contract for Landscaping Maintenance Services of common areas at Amazon Property. All work must meet accepted standards as set forth in industry documents and this scope of services. The Contractor must be able to perform the majority of work each weekday (Monday –Friday) with litter control occurring each day of the week.

Litter and Turf Maintenance, Turf Mowing, Fire Ant Control , Grassed Slopes, Leaf Removal, Pruning – Tree Canopy Elevation, Weed Control and Chemical Use General Guidelines, Application of Herbicides and Pesticides, Tree Rings Weeds, Hard surfaces Zone 3, Mulch Top Dressing, Unit Work: Mulching, Tree and Shrub Fertilization, Tree Planting (damaged trees only),

Airport Main Entrance Landscape Additions

Work to include amending, planting, mulching, chemical application, watering, and all other operations as described herein to create an aesthetic extension to the existing landscape.  Only areas circled on plan maps are in the current scope. To scale AutoCAD plans are available upon request. Work areas are at the intersection of Josh Birmingham and Wilkinson Blvd. and extend
up to the intersection of Scott Futrell.  The contractor is responsible for all utility locates.  Watering services shall be a part of the scope and performed as often as needed for one year after final acceptance to ensure all material remains in a healthy and viable growing condition. If during that time material becomes unacceptably dry or otherwise in poor condition due to watering or lack thereof the monthly payments shall not be made.  Alternate: This work is to remove and replace all magnolias and all gingkos on the west side of
the road in between Scott Futrell and Wilkinson Blvd. with new material of the same species in a 3” caliper. Watering services are part of this alternate.