Cancelled LB Foster LRV Track Lubricating Equipment & Carbon Lubricators

The spare parts that are being purchased are for maintenance replacement spares required to maintain the LYNX Blue Line track lubricating equipment. These items are being purchased from the original OEM in order to guarantee interchangeability with existing hardware.

Sole Source – should not have been put in Earlybird


Light Rail Vehicles Axle Gearbox Assembly System and Spare Parts

The S70 Siemens Light Rail Vehicles (LRV) purchased under the Siemens LRV Procurement Contract have original equipment manufacturer (OEM) S70 LRV Axle Gear Units.  Charlotte Area Transit Systems (CATS) is looking to create a contract for the purchase of replacement stock inventory spare parts for the S70 LRV Axle Gear Units. The spares are that are being purchased are replacement stock inventory spare parts to maintain the LRV’s.



Cancelled – Auxiliary power supply (APS). Main Power source for Propulsion

Designs and manufactures the auxiliary power supply products for the light rail vehicles. The parts that are being purchased are for repair and replacement parts required to maintain the APS units. These are customized parts for Light Rail Vehicles.


This was a sole source and should not have been put in Earlybird.




3145 S. Tryon st. Chiller Replacement Project

Replace existing 160 Ton Air-cooled chiller with two smaller chiller units. One fore the Admin building and the other to support BOD Maintenance and body shops. This project is in response to failed chilled water piping the currently feeds the admin building. We currently have a rental chiller that is supplying the Admin building.



CATS Bus Radiator and Fuel Tank Repair Services

Charlotte Area Transit Services (CATS) is seeking Service Providers to perform Bus Radiator and Fuel Tank Repair Services. This project involves outsourcing of servicing and repairs of radiators, Charge Air Coolers, various Oil Coolers, Coolant Surge Tanks, and Fuel Tanks for CATS buses.  The vendor will pick-up and return units to CATS facilities.  Service of the units will take place at the vendors facility.



Bus Maintenance Parts – Brakes and Suspension

CATS Bus operations is seeking a contract for Bus Maintenance parts (brake and suspension parts). For specifications of the parts and desired quantities see Bid List, Section 4, Form 5. 

The scope of this ITB is to establish a contract for the purchase, delivery, and any other inherently related activities of the Products and Services and in compliance with the specifications and terms and conditions set for in this ITB.

These parts are to be delivered to 3145 South Tryon St. 28217 within five (5) business days


PSR 1105

Hybrid Bus Repair RFP


The CATS BOD currently operates two stand alone bus maintenance facilities. These facilities operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, running a total of 11,682,341 miles per year. Each facility has specific vehicle types assigned to it. Types of bus routes include, regional commuter service, circulator service, fixed route transit as well as on demand service. At present, there are 304 buses with either Allison H40/ 50 EP Hybrid Drive Systems or Allison Hydraulic Transmissions. CATS is searching for a vendor to repair these hybrid buses since CATS does not have the capability to fix them.


PSR 1020


Charlotte Area Transit System’s Rail Division is requesting bids for a new automated vertical storage unit for the South Blvd Light Rail Facility. This will include the replacement and removal the existing unit, which is approximately 25 years old. This bid submission shall include design, delivery and installation.

The scope of this Invitation to Bid (ITB) is to establish a contract for the purchase, delivery, and other inherently related activities of the automated vertical shuttle storage unit and in compliance with the specifications and terms and conditions set forth in this ITB.


CANCEL- CATS Facilities Air Compressor Services Contract

Contract needed for Air Compressor and Dryer PM and repair services. The VMF currently needs a new Air Compressor to assist with Rail Car maintenance. Repair existing air systems, install new air lines and air dryer.


