Valet Parking Upfit

The Valet Parking Upfit Project at Charlotte Douglas International Airport relocates the temporary valet parking location to a new permanent premium service valet parking operation and experience for the CLT passengers at the basement level of the Hourly Deck.  The Valet Parking Upfit Project will include a customer transaction counter, customer waiting area, key storage room with passthrough window, employee breakroom, storage closet, four automatic glass sliding doors, paint and finishes in the Terminal and Parking Area, signage, hardware, and misc. equipment.

Electric Buses and Chargers

The supplier shall manufacture, provide and deliver electric transit buses and chargers.  Federal procurement rules and regulations apply.

4900 West Blvd Roof Replacement

This solicitation request is to complete removal of existing roofing membrane, insulation, flashings, sheet metal flashings, gutters, and downspouts, repair and/or replacement of rusted and/or deteriorated metal deck, and the installation of new insulation, cover board, 60 mil TPO membrane and associated flashings, sheet metal flashings, gutters and downspouts. Contractor must also provide temporary protection of contents in the building and cleanup of debris associated with removals. The roof has exceeded the expected lifespan and is currently 30+ years old. No Badging requirements, no restriction on work hours,

West Ramp Dual Taxi Lanes (Construction)

As part of the West Ramp Dual Taxilanes Project at CLT, this construction package will include widening of the ramp adjacent to Concourse A to allow parallel taxi operations.  The project includes erosion and sedimentation control, grading, drainage, pipe lining of a large drainage pipe, installation of new airfield concrete, full-depth replacement of portions of existing airfield concrete, asphalt paving, marking, and airfield lighting/signage.

DBE & ACDBE Program Compliance Services

The scope shall include two parts:

A. The Company shall develop CLT’s Triennial Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) overall goal based on analysis of available opportunities and qualified DBE firms available for participation. Goal development includes, but is not limited, to obtaining comparative data from other similar projects and interaction with Regional Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Civil Rights Officers, as well as organizing and conducting a stakeholder/public participation meeting.

B. The Company shall develop CLT’s Triennial Airport Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE) overall goal based on analysis of available opportunities and qualified ACDBE firms available for participation. Goal development includes, but is not limited to, obtaining comparative data from other similar projects, and interaction with Regional Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Civil Rights Officers, as well as organizing and conducting a stakeholder/public participation meeting.

Contract Management Consulting Services

The City of Charlotte, Aviation Department (CLT) is seeking professional consulting services to conduct operational analyses, assessments, and audits to ascertain organizational effectiveness and identify opportunities for improvement related to the procurement and contracting of goods, services, technology, and construction (“Project”). CLT is seeking to adopt best practices that will enhance transparency and auditability; strengthen our ability to ensure legal and regulatory compliance; and save time and money by reducing the need for rework, disputes, and litigation.  Adoption of best practices are also intended to assist in the establishment and maintenance of mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers and other business partners.

Flight Tracking System Services

CLT Airport is seeking a company to provide Flight Tracking System (FTS) Services for the purpose of tracking noise complaints and ensuring that flights are maintaining approved flight tracks. The selected company shall provide all necessary equipment, software, training, and support services necessary to deliver Flight Tracking System (FTS) Services to the airport.

Coffey Creek Environmental Mitigation (3rd Re-Solicitation)

The purpose of the Coffey Creek Environmental Mitigation bid is to establish a lump sum contract with a qualified contractor to construct the features and components of the Corrective Action Plan that has been designed by WSP, (as Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc.) (the “CAP Design”) for the former U.S. Airways Maintenance Hangar site located at 5020 Hangar Road in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina on behalf of Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT). The CAP Design (dated October 20, 2022) was submitted to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) for review. NCDEQ issued a Notice of Regulatory Requirements (NORR) letter (dated November 30, 2022) indicating approval of the Corrective Action Plan (CAP).

Coffey Creek Environmental Mitigation

Work performed under this contract will involve construction of a Hydraulic Cut-Off Barrier to limit migration of contaminants into Coffey Creek.  The barrier will be constructed below grade of Composite Bentonite Aggregate (CBA) and will be roughly 400 feet long, 12 feet tall, and 1 foot wide.  The project site is located within the secure area of Charlotte-Douglas International Airport and will require that all security measures be followed throughout the duration of the project.