Firehouse #11 Replacement

Charlotte Firehouse #11 located at 620 W. 28th Street is one of the older CFD facilities. The building has a pressing need for repair and upgrades. This project will remove and replace the existing firehouse with a facility which meets modern day needs.  The project will produce a new 17,000 SF, 4-bay two-story firehouse.

Bridge Structures Repairs

This project involves repairing bridge structures in various locations within the city limits. This work shall consist of furnishing all labor, equipment, and materials to repair noted structures. Work includes but not limited to: concrete pavement repairs, asphalt surface sealing / repair / replacement, debris removal, soil / erosion repairs, bridge substructure / superstructure repairs, expansion joint repair / replacement, barrier rail repairs, guardrail repairs, cleaning and painting bridge structures, sealing concrete wearing surface, culvert repairs, and repairs as deemed necessary by the engineer; removing, containment and disposal of existing materials; seeding and mulching all grassed areas disturbed; all incidental items necessary to complete the project as specified and shown on the Bridge Structures Repair Details and Drawings.

Storm Water Repair and Improvement FY2024-A

Work performed under this contract will consist of storm water infrastructure repair and improvement projects within the city limits of Charlotte, NC.  Work will involve mobilization, earthwork, drainage structures, storm drain pipe systems, channels, working over, under, near, and around existing private utilities asphalt paving, concrete flatwork, and landscaping and any associated work required by the Engineer.  Other work may include structural foundation protection, storm water pipe lining, storm water pipe joint and structure repair, water and sewer (relocations, installations and adjustments).  Storm Water maintenance work may be located entirely within the street right-of-way.

Firehouse #30 Replacement

Firehouse #30, currently located at 4707 Belle-Oaks Drive, near Charlotte Douglas Airport, is currently located in a house built in 1955 and needs extensive renovations. The facility is the only firehouse where crews must leave their living quarters to access their apparatus, as a result, in impacting response time.

Firehouse #30 design services with the use of Advance Planning funds will be utilized to build a replacement 3-bay 2-story firehouse to manage response volumes in the Beam Road/Airport area. The new facility will be approximately 14,000 square feet. The building will be located at 3019 Beam Road, directly across from the Police and Fire Academy, and the parcel ID number is 141-24-104. It is located in Council District 3. The firehouse design will be the same floor plan design as Hidden Valley Firehouse #45 (HVFH#45).  This project is also designated to be an all-electric firehouse and additional scope will be added.

Emergency Snow and Ice Removal Services

This project includes snow removal and/or barricading services by either plowing, sweeping, shoveling, or any combination as may be required to provide safe, clear, and unobstructed foot and vehicle travel at city maintained facilities including, but not limited, to parking lots, parking decks, driveways, sidewalks, stairways, and, in some instances, building entrances.

The selected Company will provide snow removal services on an on-call, as-needed basis. Work will be performed in response to requests made by the City’s Project Manager. All services will require advance authorization. The selected company will provide all personnel, equipment, tools, supplies, supervision, and any other items necessary to perform snow removal services. Rental equipment and subcontracting of portions of the work without specific prior authorization will not be accepted.

Beaverdam Creek Pump Station Expansion

This project includes upgrading the Beaverdam Creek Pump Station. Work will involve removing two sets of the existing two-stage pumps and installing four sets of two-stage pumps. Work also includes installing surge tanks and implementing interior modifications to the wet well to improve the hydraulics during self-cleaning operations.

Rivergate Parkway Bridge

This project will install a bridge over Hoover Creek connecting two ends of Rivergate Parkway. The project will provide vehicular and pedestrian access between neighborhoods and local retail. The project amenities include: a new bridge, sidewalk, curb and gutter, milling, asphalt pavement, pavement markings and related activities.

Cross Charlotte Trail (XCLT)− Orr Rd to Rocky River Rd

This project will complete a new segment of XCLT approximately 2.0 miles in length, extending from Orr Road at Tryon Street to Rocky River Road. It is anticipated that the alignment will generally follow the Master Plan alignment.  The trail cross section will be narrower in some sections along Orr Road and will follow Toby Creek on the south side until reaching Rocky River Road where the XCLT connects to existing Toby Creek Greenway.