Charlotte Water (CLTWater) is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified engineering companies (Company or Proposer) to provide supplemental project management (PM) services for the Water Sewer Authority Cabarrus County (WSACC) Rocky River Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (RRRWTP) Expansion Project (Project). In anticipation of growth within the RRRWTP service area and additional demand by Charlotte Water, specifically from growth and flow diversion from the Back Creek Sewer Basin, Water Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County (WSACC) is looking to expand the RRRWWTP from 26.5 MGD to 34 MGD. In addition, Charlotte Water intends to expand its purchased treatment capacity at the RRRWWTP by additional 3 MGD, from the current 6 MGD current purchased capacity to 9 MGD. The design-build (D-B) project is being performed by the Crowder Construction/Brown and Caldwell team managed by WSACC.
Professional Engineering Services for Construction Administration & Observations Services
Charlotte Water (CLTWater) is soliciting Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified engineering firms (Firm) to provide Construction Administration & Observations Services for the Ashe Plantation WWTP Phase II. CLTWater intends to contract with one or more firms to provide professional engineering
services for the project.
The selected Firm(s) shall provide at a minimum, construction administration and observation services.
• Construction administration (CA) services
• Construction observation, resident project representative (RPR) services
• Project closeout services
Phase II of the upgrades include the following:
• Installation of a new 100,000 GPD package WWTP with simplex flow EQ basin, parallel extended
aeration basins, parallel clarifiers, air lift pumps for RAS/WAS, simplex aerobic digestor
• New standby generator with option to use natural gas fuel
• Pre-fabricated office/laboratory/restroom
• Site piping modifications
• Electrical upgrades and modifications
Professional Engineering Services for Building Roof Replacements
Charlotte Water has 12 buildings at Sugar, Irwin, Mallard, and McAlpine Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTPs) that are in need of roofing replacement or repair. The majority of these roofing systems are over 20 years old. These roofs are aging, failing, and in need of replacement or repairs.
Charlotte Water is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified engineering companies (Company or Proposer) to provide Professional Engineering Services for the Building Roof Replacements Project. The selected Firm(s) shall provide at a minimum, preliminary engineering and evaluation, detailed design, permitting, bidding phase services, and construction phase services.
Franklin Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Design and Construction Administration Services
Charlotte Water requesting proposals from qualified companies interested in providing design and construction administrative services for the Franklin WTP Residuals Project
- Alum cake storage and conveyance system from the alum belt filter press building. Increasing storage capacity, belt condition/layout, etc.
- New backwash residuals clarifier with stainless steel clarifier mechanism and associated piping. Diameter of new clarifier to be 100 foot in diameter. Provide new motor control center and switch gear for the existing residual clarifiers. Existing large clarifier must remain in service throughout construction.
- Evaluation of additional thickener at plant.
- Residuals polymer system upgrade – new feed system and tanks and potential expansion of existing dewatering building for accommodation of new equipment or added chemical storage.
- Provide a pump station and force main to convey residuals clarifier effluent to the raw water reservoirs. Cost savings analysis.
- Dry polymer feed system for flocculation/sedimentation for east and west plant.
- Addition of an isolation valve at backwash residuals clarifier.
- Clarifier sludge pump evaluation.
Peninsula/Palisades Odor and Corrosion Study
Charlotte Water is soliciting Statement of Qualifications from a qualified engineering firm to conduct odor and corrosion studies for various areas and lift stations. These studies will evaluate each lift station and its inflow and outflow of sewer pipes and manholes for odor control and corrosion protection . The selected firm will evaluate the various listed areas and prepare a plan of action to correct and address the odor and corrosion issues for Charlotte Water.
On Call Miscellaneous Environmental Services -CANCELLED
Charlotte Water’s Engineering division will be seeking proposals from qualified companies interested in providing miscellaneous environmental testing and analysis services. These services will be on-call and are needed to support various Charlotte Water projects.
This opportunity has been cancelled as of 1/18/2023
Professional Engineering Services for Unspecified Pond/Dam and Water Quality Improvements
The City anticipates selecting one (1) or more firms to provide these services on a task order basis for several pond and dam rehabilitation/ stormwater control measure (SCM) projects. This will include initial feasibility studies, planning and design fir projects that are not specified at this time. Additional tasks will include evaluation and repair design of existing municipal SCM projects. These projects are anticipated to start scoping upon contract award.
The following is a general description of the Scopes of Service included in this RFQ. The selected firms will use HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, SWMM, and/or a hydraulic grade line closed system computer model, or an approved alternative method. All methods will be in accordance with the
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Design Manual. The City’s then current AutoCAD standards will be used for production of all plans and profiles.
Work will be issued via written Task Orders, which will specify the requirements of the various projects. Multiple Task Orders may be issued for each project. Multiple task orders may be issued at once. The City of Charlotte reserves the right, upon successful completion of a given Task Order, to issue subsequent Task Orders to the same or a different Company.
FY24-26 Engineering Consulting On Call Services
Charlotte Water is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified engineering firms to provide on-call miscellaneous engineering services for various projects. Charlotte Water is seeking firms whose combination of experience and personnel will provide timely, cost-effective, and quality professional services to support these projects.
Beaverdam Creek Pump Station Expansion
This project includes upgrading the Beaverdam Creek Pump Station. Work will involve removing two sets of the existing two-stage pumps and installing four sets of two-stage pumps. Work also includes installing surge tanks and implementing interior modifications to the wet well to improve the hydraulics during self-cleaning operations.