CMPD Animal Care and Control Phase 3 Expansion

The purpose of the CMPD Animal Care and Control, Phase 3 Expansion project is primarily to provide additional kennels for dogs and reduce the increasing rate of euthanasia.  Secondly, to provide additional space for other animals and improve the efficiencies of operations for the facility.  The expansion of the facility will possibly be located at 2700 Toomey Avenue and the parcel is currently 4.67 acres. This is the old location for the Animal Humane Society.  We are currently in the advanced planning phase to acquire a schematic design to confirm the estimated construction cost.

The Construction delivery system will be Progressive Design Build. It is also anticipated that the city will acquire an Owner’s Advisor to assist with procurement and additional services during design and construction.

River District Permanent Firehouse #44 (CONTRACT BEING EXECUTED NOW)

Charlotte Fire Department plans to build a mass timber all-electric infill 2-story, 3-bay firehouse to manage response volumes in the newly developed River District. The facility will be approximately 14,600 square feet. The building is proposed to be located on Dixie River Road, near the future Catawba Crossing, and the parcel ID number is 14128101, parcel 3. The city is planning to utilize the Progressive Design-Build delivery system, city sustainability guidelines, city building standards, specifications, and past firehouse plans as a guide to meet the needs of the fire department. The city has completed the selection process for an Owner’s Advisor to assist with the procurement selection process for a design-build team.

River District Permanent Firehouse #44

Charlotte Fire Department plans to build a mass timber all-electric infill 2-story, 3-bay firehouse to manage response volumes in the newly developed River District. The facility will be approximately 14,600 square feet. The building is proposed to be located on Dixie River Road, near the future Catawba Crossing, and the parcel ID number is 14128101, parcel 3. The city is planning to utilize the Progressive Design-Build delivery system, city sustainability guidelines, city building standards, specifications, and past firehouse plans as a guide to meet the needs of the fire department. The city has completed the selection process for an Owner’s Advisor to assist with the procurement selection process for a design-build team.

Cross Charlotte Trail (XCLT)− Matheson to Craighead

The Matheson to Craighead segment of the Cross Charlotte Trail will implement a 14-foot shared use path beginning at E 36th Street. The path will continue down Cullman Ave and board walk up into a pedestrian bridge spanning the Norfolk Southern Railroad tracks utilizing a prefabricated structure within railroad right of way. The structure will then connect to the existing trail built by Brand Properties within the Kaleido Noda apartment complex.

CMAR Services – Cross Charlotte Trail (XCLT) Matheson to Craighead

The Matheson to Craighead segment of the Cross Charlotte Trail will implement a 14-foot shared use path beginning at E 36th Street. The path will continue down Cullman Ave and board walk up into a pedestrian bridge spanning the Norfolk Southern Railroad tracks utilizing a prefabricated structure within railroad right of way. The structure will then connect to the existing trail built by Brand Properties within the Kaleido Noda apartment complex.

CMAR Services – Ashley Road/Tuckaseegee Road & Freedom Drive Intersection

The project area includes the intersection area and approaches for Ashley Road/Tuckaseegee Road (State Road 1662), and Freedom Drive (NC Highway 27). Currently, the area lacks adequate pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, limiting safe mobility and access to key destinations such as the Mecklenburg County Valerie C. Woodard Community Resource Center.

Paving and Patching and Other Misc Water and Sewer Repairs-cancelled

A construction contract to repairs roadways and their appurtenances related  to water and sewer infrastructure. In addition, minor work could be related to other existing water sewer infrastructure. The scope will also include some concrete and asphalt work within Charlotte Water.

this opportunity has been cancelled

Bus Stop and Miscellaneous Construction Services

The scope of work is miscellaneous small construction projects involving improvements at CATS bus stops that will be assigned as Task Orders. Each Task Order is estimated to be less than $30,000 in value.


PSR # 1615

Briar Creek Phase 4 Sewer Rehab-CANCELLED

This will be an invitation to bid for construction and will consist of cured-in-place pipe lining, manhole rehab, and other miscellaneous services for several thousand linear feet of current infrastructure. This was originally paired with the Paw Creek/Diversion project and will now be two separate construction projects.

5/13/2024 – cancelled due to project reprioritization.