Bus Stop and Miscellaneous Construction Services

The scope of work is miscellaneous small construction projects involving improvements at CATS bus stops that will be assigned as Task Orders. Each Task Order is estimated to be less than $30,000 in value.


PSR # 1615

Briar Creek Phase 4 Sewer Rehab-CANCELLED

This will be an invitation to bid for construction and will consist of cured-in-place pipe lining, manhole rehab, and other miscellaneous services for several thousand linear feet of current infrastructure. This was originally paired with the Paw Creek/Diversion project and will now be two separate construction projects.

5/13/2024 – cancelled due to project reprioritization.

Paw Creek Sewer Rehabilitation and Diversion Structure-CANCELLED

This will be an invitation to bid for construction that will consist of cured-in-place pipe lining, manhole rehab, and a sewer diversion structure. The diversion consists of 200-300 linear feet of sewer pipe and several new manholes. A procurement officer has already been assigned to this.

Stowe Regional Water Resource Recovery Facility Solids Forcemain – CANCELLED

Stowe Regional Water Resource Recovery Facility is a new 15 million gallons per day greenfield facility that will serve as CLTWater’s 6th Water Resource Recovery Facility. Stowe Regional Water Resource Recovery Facility will not have solids treatment onsite. The Stowe Regional Water Resource Recovery Facility solids pump station will send the solids stream to another CLTWater water resource recovery facility for treatment. This is a hard bid construction project to build the first phase of the offsite forcemain.

Stowe Regional Water Resource Recovery Facility Solids Pump Station

Stowe Regional Water Resource Recovery Facility is a new 15 million gallons per day greenfield facility that will serve as Charlotte Water’s 6th Water Resource Recovery Facility. Stowe Regional Water Resource Recovery Facility will not have solids treatment onsite. The Stowe Regional Water Resource Recovery Facility solids pump station will send the solids stream to another Charlotte Water Water Resource Recovery facility for treatment. This is a hard bid construction project to build the pump station and associated infrastructure onsite.

Collective AG Storm Water Drainage Improvement Project

Collective Storm Drainage Improvement Projects Series AG will involve 2 projects throughout the City of Charlotte, 1845 Pinewood Cr and 6009 Rexwood Pl.  1845 Pinewood Cr will consist of reinforced concrete pipe replacement and realignment, CIPP liner, storm drainage structure replacement, full depth asphalt, curb and gutter, concrete driveway, new sanitary sewer pipe and sanitary sewer structures, and new watermain.  6009 Rexwood Pl will consist of reinforced concrete pipe replacement and realignment, CIPP liner, storm drainage structure replacement, full depth asphalt, curb and gutter, and concrete driveway.

FY24 Water Main Replacement – Contract 1

This contract will consist of an undetermined number of individual projects consisting of water and/or sewer replacements, water and/or sewer extensions, and water distribution system reliability improvement projects, which will be assigned by the Project Engineer.

Charlotte Fire Station #2 – Addition and Renovations

The work consists of the addition and renovation of an existing fire station. The locker and restroom facilities will be renovated and expanded. Accessibility improvements are planned in various areas throughout the building and site.

Charlotte Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Initiative – Phase 3

The project involves the design / installation of solar photovoltaic systems at the following city facilities: PHASE 3: Firehouse 18 – 2337 Dr Webber Ave. and Firehouse 33 – 2001 Mt Holly-Huntersville Rd. The solar photovoltaic systems will be installed on the roofs of each location. This project will help the city reduce its carbon emissions according to the Strategic Energy Action