Project provides for the relocation and replacement of sewer infrastructure associated with the Independence Blvd widening project.
Independence Blvd. Widening – Water – Cancelled
Project provides for the relocation and/or replacement of water infrastructure associated with the Independence Blvd widening project.
Sugar & Irwin WAS Equalization Tanks at McAlpine – Cancelled
Proposed project is to fund a new 31,000 gallon above-equalization grade tank to receive the waste activated sludge (WAS) pumped from Sugar Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant, a new 25,000 gallon equalization tank to receive WAS from Irwin Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant and potentially a new additional 30,000 gallon equalization tank to receive WAS from Long Creek.
Site Improvements at Charlotte Water’s Field Operations, Zone 1 & 2
The Project consists of the repaving of two different Charlotte Water Facilities: Zone 1 which is located at 11609 Hord Drive Huntersville, NC 28078, and Zone 2 located at 5730 General Commerce Drive Charlotte, NC 28213. Zone 1 encompasses additional aspects besides the repaving, including a proposed storm drainage system, water and sanitary sewer extensions, and the enlargement of the existing detention pond. Zone 2 includes some storm drainage, curb and gutter, and concrete apart from the repaving.
Zone 4 Field Operations Facility Replacement – Cancelled
This project includes the replacement of the existing Zone 4 facility located at 4100 West Tyvola Road. The plan is to add additional office square footage for both field crews and admin staff at this location.
Cane Creek Southeast Tributary Trunk Sewer -CANCELLED
Project consists of approximately 3,600 linear feet of 8-inch gravity sewer.
East Rocky River Rd to Shearer Rd Davidson Extension 16/12 Water Main Extension – CANCELLED
Water main extension along East Rocky River Road in Davidson; approximately 11,600 LF of 16″ water main; approximately 4200 LF of 12″ from intersection south to 12″ connection on Shearer and Dembridge.
Fuda Creek Trunk Sewer Installation Project – CANCELLED
Project provides for a trunk sewer along the Fuda Creek. Total length of sewer line would be approximately 3,600 linear feet (LF).
McCullough Branch Lift Station Improvements- CANCELLED
This project will provide for the replacement or upgrades of the McCullough Branch Lift Station with a new facility sized to accommodate the build-out conditions of the basin.