New South End Light Rail Station

The Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) will construct a new LRT station along the LYNX Blue Line (South Corridor) approximately mid-way between the East/West Boulevard and New Bern Stations. The new station must operate and communicate as part of the overall Lynx Blue Line. Construction will take place while the Blue Line remains in service.

The City of Charlotte completed a study in 2019 to determine the feasibility of constructing a pedestrian crossing or a new station mid-way between the East/West Boulevard and New Bern Stations. Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) determined a new station would best serve the project area. The study indicated two potential locations for the new station, and a final station site will be determined through this contract.

The new station will be designed to the same standards as the recently constructed LYNX Blue Line Extension (BLE) stations and will have the capacity to serve up to three Light Rail Vehicles (LRVs). Construction and testing must occur with minimal disruption to LYNX Blue Line revenue service.



Cancelled-UPS Equipment Upgrade (Rail-Technology Replacement)

This solicitation will be to select a a firm to perform a power study and start to replace the current commercial level UPS and inverters for all 15 communications cabinet on the Blue Line. The current UPS and inverters for all 15 communications cabinet have a life expectancy of eight years. They are at the end of life and must be replaced to prevent failures that impact the operation of communications to vital Signal and Traction Power operations. Likewise, environmental control/monitoring systems that support the communications houses has reached end of life and must be addressed to continue supporting the critical network equipment in each communications house. FY2019 – request to continue the system upgrade of the Blue Line and complete any outstanding items not covered in FY18.



Fawnbrook Ln (514) Storm Drainage Improvement Project

The need for this construction project is to improve the storm drainage infrastructure (i.e. pipe systems and culverts) to reduce flooding and to enhance degraded stream reaches to reduce erosion and improve water quality.  This project is under review.  Location and project details will be provided after the review is complete.

Mallard Water Reclamation Upgrades, Phase 1 Improvements

The Phase 1 Water Reclamation Upgrade will increase the capacity of the facility to 14.9 million gallons per day (MGD) and includes a new deeper influent pump station to accept flow from a new, deeper trunk sewer, flow equalization, influent screens, aeration control and chemical feed.  The estimated construction cost for this upgrade is $65.2 million. The Phase 1 construction project will also include solids improvements that are estimated at $24 million.  Both aspects of the project will be delivered together as a single construction project.

Glassy Creek/Brentwood/Parkwood Stream Restoration

This stream restoration construction project provides for the upgrading of lakes and ponds, dam repairs, and other improvements to reduce the level of pollution in stormwater.   The need for the project is based on the maintenance of facilities such as lakes and ponds that enhance stormwater quality under the requirements of the Clean Water Act.

Crestmont Drive (4724) Storm Drainage Improvement Project

The purpose and need for this construction project is to improve the storm drainage infrastructure (i.e. pipe systems and culverts) to reduce flooding and to enhance degraded stream reaches to reduce erosion and improve water quality.  This project is under review.  Location and project details will be provided after the review is complete.

Flintridge Dr (2831) Storm Drainage Improvement Project

The purpose and need for this construction project is to improve the storm drainage infrastructure (i.e. pipe systems and culverts) to reduce flooding and to enhance degraded stream reaches to reduce erosion and improve water quality.  This project is under review.  Location and project details will be provided after review is complete.

Edgewater/Rosecrest Storm Drainage Improvement Project

The purpose and need for this construction project is to improve the storm drainage infrastructure (i.e. pipe systems and culverts) to reduce flooding and to enhance degraded stream reaches to reduce erosion and improve water quality.  This project is under review.  Location and project details will be provided after review is complete.