This project will fill in gaps in the existing sidewalk system on the south side along Tuckaseegee Road from Little Rock Road to West Mecklenburg High School, and along the north side of Tuckaseegee Road from Burkholder Road to Toddville Road.
Idlewild Road and Monroe Road Intersection
This project will improve the Idlewild Road and Monroe Road intersection to enhance conditions for all users. Improvements will include pavement widening to accommodate dual left turn lanes at all intersection approaches, bike lanes or multi-use paths, pedestrian refuge islands, and new sidewalks.
Idlewild Road/Rama Road/Monroe Road Intersection
This project will improve the Idlewild Road and Monroe Road intersection to enhance conditions for all users. Improvements will include pavement widening to accommodate dual left turn lanes at all intersection approaches, bike lanes or multi-use paths, pedestrian refuge islands, and new sidewalks.
Field Operations Zone 2 Facility, Vacuum Truck Receiving Station
This project consists of constructing a new Vacuum Truck Receiving Station, a new canopy extension over existing concrete-walled material storage bays, and appurtenant facilities at the Charlotte Water Field Operations Operation Zone 2 Facility.
Piccadilly Storm Drainage Improvement Project
The purpose and need for this construction project is to improve the storm drainage infrastructure (i.e. pipe systems and culverts) to reduce flooding and to enhance degraded stream reaches to reduce erosion and improve water quality. This project is under review. Location and project details will be provided after review is complete.
Farmer Street/Romare Bearden Storm Drainage Improvement Project
The purpose and need for this construction project is to improve the storm drainage infrastructure (i.e. pipe systems and culverts) to reduce flooding and to enhance degraded stream reaches to reduce erosion and improve water quality. This project is bordered by West Boulevard to the north, Farmer Street the south, Clanton Road to the east and Ross Avenue to the west. The drainage system consists of closed corrugated metal pipe systems underneath City maintained roads. Approximately 3,200 linear feet of 60-inch deteriorated corrugated metal pipe will need to be replaced.
Collective R Storm Drainage Improvement Project
The purpose and need for this construction project is to improve the storm drainage infrastructure (i.e. pipe systems and culverts) to reduce flooding and to enhance degraded stream reaches to reduce erosion and improve water quality.
Collective Q Storm Drainage Improvement Project
The purpose and need for this construction project is to improve the storm drainage infrastructure (i.e. pipe systems and culverts) to reduce flooding and to enhance degraded stream reaches to reduce erosion and improve water quality. This project is under review. Location and project details will be provided after review is complete.
Rounding Run Storm Drainage Improvement Project
The purpose and need for this construction project is to improve the storm drainage infrastructure (i.e. pipe systems and culverts) to reduce flooding and to enhance degraded stream reaches to reduce erosion and improve water quality. This project is under review. Location and project details will be provided after review is complete.