The City is seeking a company to provide pay by cellphone services for payment of the City’s on-street parking meter fees for the City’s customers. This includes all software, applications, a secure website for customers, hosting services, real-time credit card payment processing, customer instructional signage/stickers and other services necessary for the provision of the pay by cellphone services.
Replacement of Financial, Budgeting, and Human Resources Systems Request for Information
The City of Charlotte is seeking Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) information from Software Providers with proven experience in the public sector for the functional areas of budget, human resources, finance, procurement, project and grant cost accounting. The City’s vision is to implement an integrated software solution to process, report, and store information; facilitate delivery of services and activities through better financial management, improved business processes and better information for decision making.
This Request for Information (RFI) is NOT intended to award a contract, rather to gain information.
Tasers, Body Cameras and Related Equipment and Services
The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department uses tasers to restrain violent individuals when alternative restraint tactics fail, or are reasonably likely to fail, and/or where it would be unsafe for officers to approach a subject to apply restraints. A taser uses an electrical current to temporarily disrupt voluntary control of muscles causing short-term neuromuscular incapacitation.
CMPD is looking to establish a contract for the provision of Police wearable body cameras and a storage solution that shall be able to capture videos from an officer perspective in accordance with the terms, conditions and specifications contained herein. The detailed specifications contained herein shall be considered minimums. It will be the sole discretion of the City of Charlotte to select the System deemed the best overall solution for the requirements and applications of CMPD.
Traffic Data Collection and Processing Services
The City of Charlotte has a Traffic Count Program which collects many different types of data along streets (not interstates) within the City of Charlotte limits. The City gathers intersection count data (vehicles, vehicle classification, pedestrian, and bicyclist) using City-owned cameras and video processing by a third party. Mid-block count data (speed, volume and vehicle classification data) is mainly collected with pneumatic road tubes, and sometimes with video cameras. The City collects other types of traffic data on an as-needed basis, such as: pedestrian corridor studies, vehicle occupancy studies, gap studies, etc. Generally, the City collects around 300 intersection turning movement counts and 800 mid-block counts a year.
Additionally, the Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization (CRTPO) maintains the MPO Traffic Data Program which functions mainly outside of the City of Charlotte limits. This program provides member jurisdictions with needed traffic data used for the support of transportation planning and research efforts throughout the MPO planning area, which includes all of Iredell and Mecklenburg Counties and a significant portion of Union County.
The City and CRTPO seek to select one or multiple companies to collect and/or process a variety of traffic data and upload it to the City’s traffic and crash software database.
CATS Mobile Ticketing Application Services
The Scope of Work describes CATS’ minimal functional requirements for a mobile ticketing app. It is intended to be used as a general guide and is not a complete list nor description of all work necessary. Proposers responding to this RFP are expected to be familiar with all aspects of project management. Additional requirements pertaining to this Work are stipulated in the Sample Contract included as an attachment to the RFP. Proposers are strongly encouraged to specifically review the requirements relating to ownership of work, data privacy, and data security that are included.
CATS is seeking a mobile ticketing app for its transit services. The app shall integrate with the CATS Genfare fare collection system. In addition, the app shall support Transportation Network Companies (“TNC”s) used with First Mile / Last Mile. The solution proposed shall provide CATS transit customers with a smart, intuitive, secure and reliable app for all CATS pass types including support for discounts and promotions. The app shall provide functionality for fare enforcement digital verification by either visual validation or handheld fare inspector mobile devices.
The Proposer will be responsible for providing, hosting, operating and maintaining the mobile ticketing app. CATS requires a turnkey solution that shall include design, testing, delivery, site preparation, installation, and assistance with associated hardware if necessary, software, communications, all system interfaces, all other system components, operations, maintenance, licenses, support and training. The look and feel of the application shall be branded by CATS and available for download on the iOS and Android app stores.
In addition, the mobile ticketing solution shall have the capacity to implement fare capping for all pass types. Customers using the mobile app would pay for passes until they cap out at the CATS day, weekly and monthly pass rates. This can provide an additional opportunity for riders to benefit from the discounts afforded to pass buyers without having to pay for a pass upfront.
Mobile Fare Payment Goals and Objectives
CATS expects to achieve the following goals with the implementation of a commercially available application based mobile fare payment system:
- Stimulate growth in ridership.
- Decrease dwell time.
- Increase ease of use for customers and improve rider experience.
- Reduce cash and lower cash handling costs.
- Increase access to fare products, especially for customers lacking convenient access to the CATS Transit Center or CATS retail partner locations.
- Increase access to pass products through fare capping, providing customers with opportunity to benefit from the discounts afforded to monthly pass buyers without having to pay for a monthly pass upfront
Technology Investment Portfolio Management Tool
Technology Investment Portfolio Management Tool
Radios and Communication Equipment
Motorola Equipment and Services