Leak Detection Services

Charlotte Water is seeking a Company to provide as-needed leak detection services on residential, commercial, and City-owned property/infrastructure (collectively referred to as “Service Groups”).  The Company shall locate and verify the actual water line requiring repairs.  A Contract with one Company is sought, but Charlotte Water may recommend award to multiple Companies to meet the needs for both Services Groups.

Valve Assessment and Repair Services

Charlotte Water is seeking a Company to provide valve assessment, fabrication, and repair services for various valve sizes and types.  The Company shall be experienced in assessing and repairing valves in water and wastewater applications.  Size of valves to be serviced will range from 2 inches to 120 inches.  Valves may be gate, butterfly, plug, cone, globe, or any other type located within the Charlotte Water Distribution System (water lines), Collection System (sewer lines), or any Treatment Facility (water and/or wastewater).  Assessment and repair services are to occur on active mains that will remain active and in service during these processes.  Charlotte Water will provide access to valves with excavation in accordance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards or existing vault/manhole.  Valves to be repaired have yet to be determined and may be located anywhere geographically within Mecklenburg County.  The Company shall operate and complete Services as directed by the Charlotte Water designated Engineer (CW Engineer).

City Ordinance Chapter 23 Consulting

The objective of this RFP is to obtain a contract with a qualified consultant whom will be responsible for performing the Services necessary to update the content within Chapter 23 of the City’s Ordinance, ensuring Charlotte Water can provide an accurate ordinance for staff and citizens to use as a resource for water, sewer, and industrial waste discharge restrictions.

Siphon Pipe Inspection and Cleaning Services – CANCELLED

Charlotte Water will be soliciting proposals from interested companies for siphon pipe inspection and cleaning services. Charlotte Water will be awarding a contract to perform planned siphon pipe inspections and cleaning on a re-occurring maintenance schedule with a standard frequency.

A Charlotte Water representative shall be present when the final cleaning runs are made to ensure cleanliness and will make the final decision on whether the cleaned siphon is acceptable or not. When available, construction drawings of the siphon(s) to be cleaned will be provided.

Water Transmission Line Easement Clearing Services

Charlotte Water will be seeking proposals for Water Transmission Line Easement Clearing Services. These services would potentially require heavy clearing of brush, including possible tree and stump removal, for properties in which access to water transmission line easements must be maintained by Charlotte Water.   Service areas and boundaries will be identified by Charlotte Water.   The selected firm or firms shall also be responsible for the removal and disposal of vegetation.

Once initial clearing has been completed, scheduled maintenance clearing of the easements will be planned with a standard frequency.


Traffic Signal Performance Measures – CANCELLED

Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures shows real-time and a history of performance at signalized intersections. The various measures will evaluate the quality of progression of traffic along the corridor, and displays any unused green time that may be available from various movements. This information informs CDOT of vehicle and pedestrian detector malfunctions, measures vehicle delay and lets us know volumes, speeds and travel time of vehicles. The measures are used to optimize mobility and manage traffic signal timing and maintenance to reduce congestion, save fuel costs and improve safety. Currently, the City has a 200 intersection pilot studying how performance measures can assist us in proactively monitoring our traffic signals. This project would be to identify the software solution the City will use Citywide and install.

Preventive Maintenance (signals/cabinets) – CANCELLED

The City operates and maintains 775 traffic signals throughout the City of Charlotte and ensures preventative maintenance is performed on all traffic signals every 12 to 18 months. The contracts will provide preventative maintenance of traffic signals for all  traffic signals in the City. Preventative maintenance work includes testing and confirming correct operation of all components and cleaning of pedestrian and traffic signal lenses.

Citywide Trip Hazard Removal Services

The Charlotte Department of Transportation (CDOT) Street Maintenance Division (SMD) is responsible for the maintenance of more than 2,200 miles of sidewalks and more than 7,000 accessible ramps within the City of Charlotte.  The scope of this work consists of the removal of concrete tripping hazards from sidewalks, curb ramps, and concrete curbing that the City agents have identified.  All work produced must be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements for slope and Occupational Safety and Health Administration requirements for traction.  The company will be responsible for all traffic control in accordance with the most recent Work Area Traffic Control Handbook (WATCH).   Any debris resulting from the removal of trip hazards must be removed in a legal manner.