In 2014, there were illicit discharges containing Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) to the collection systems conveying wastewater to the Mallard Creek Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) and to the McAlpine Creek Wastewater Management Facility (WWMF). The concentrations of PCBs found in various unit processes at these facilities were above the 50 parts per million (ppm) threshold and, as a result, they are considered contaminated per the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA). A project to decontaminate portions of the Mallard Creek WRF is in progress under a separate contract. The scope of work for that project does not include all infrastructure within the facility or any portion of the collection system.
Charlotte Water identified the location where the contaminant was discharged to the Mallard Creek collection system and, as a result, has been able to delineate the limits of contaminated infrastructure which includes 8.7 miles of 24-inch or less piping and 181 manholes. The discharge point for McAlpine Creek, however, could not be located.
Charlotte Water is a nationally recognized award winning utility that serves the City of Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, and nearby towns. Charlotte Water:
- Has over 270,000 metered accounts serving over 1,000,000 people within 550 square miles.
- Operates three drinking water plants treating 100,000,000 gallons/day.
- Operates seven wastewater treatment plants collecting and treating 80,000,000 gallons/day.
- Operates and maintains 4,000 miles of water pipe and 4,000 miles of sewer pipe.
McAlpine Creek WWMF is located in the Town of Pineville and is a 64 mgd capacity facility currently operating at 48 mgd average daily flow. McAlpine Creek was originally constructed in 1964 and has gone through several expansions and improvements projects over the years. McAlpine Creek is a chemical nutrient removal facility with septage receiving, centrifuge thickening and dewatering, anaerobic digestion, diurnal and storm flow equalization, a residuals management facility contract-operated by Synagro-WWT Inc., bypass flow from Irwin Creek, bypass flow and the solids from Sugar Creek, industrial loading from Mecklenburg County and flow from Union County.
Mallard Creek WRF is an ISO 14001 certified facility located in the northeast part of Charlotte with rated capacity of 12 mgd currently operating at 9 mgd average daily flow. Mallard Creek was originally constructed in 1979 and has gone through several expansions and improvements projects over the years. Mallard Creek is a conventional activated sludge facility with a re-use pumping station, centrifuge thickening and dewatering, anaerobic digestion, and diurnal and flow equalization.
This section will provide a general description of the tasks required. This is not intended to be all-inclusive, nor is it guaranteed that all of the below tasks will be utilized. A more defined Scope of Work will be developed during negotiation with the selected Service Provider.
Charlotte Water will issue task orders to the Service Provider for projects in various locations with unique scopes of work related to PCB handling. Projects may happen concurrently or one at a time, and their duration may be short-term or long-term. The project scope may involve work on equipment, concrete structures, metal infrastructure, piping systems, filters, and soils and in various environments like confined spaces, open basins, buildings, and sewer right-of-ways. The Service Provider may be asked to provide services including but not limited to removal, handling, transportation, and/or proper disposal of all materials including PCB contaminated materials in accordance with the requirements of TSCA and other regulations. The Service Provider shall manage all aspects of the work including the work performed by subcontractors and provide all labor, materials, chemicals, supplies, temporary facilities, access provisions, permitting (transportation and disposal related), equipment, delivery and incidentals required for the execution of task orders.
The task order process will involve significant coordination with Charlotte Water, the Service Provider and subcontractors. The Service Provider can also expect to coordinate with other Charlotte Water contractors if the decontamination work is part of a larger project that Charlotte Water is executing. Charlotte Water may require task orders be priced on a lump sum or time and materials basis depending on what is in the best interest of the City.