Monroe Road Streetscape

Improvements on Monroe Road between North Wendover Road and Eaton Road to create a more pedestrian-oriented corridor and install a pedestrian hybrid beacon in front of Time Out Youth Center.  Improvements will primarily include shared-use paths, drainage, and midblock pedestrian crossings.

Tuckaseegee Rd (Little Rock Rd to Westerwood Dr) Sidewalk

This project will fill in gaps in the existing sidewalk system on the south side along Tuckaseegee Road from Little Rock Road to West Mecklenburg High School, and along the north side of Tuckaseegee Road from Burkholder Road to Toddville Road.

Idlewild Road/Rama Road/Monroe Road Intersection

This project will improve the Idlewild Road and Monroe Road intersection to enhance conditions for all users. Improvements will include pavement widening to accommodate dual left turn lanes at all intersection approaches, bike lanes or multi-use paths, pedestrian refuge islands, and new sidewalks.

Wilson Air North Parking Lot Improvement

The Wilson Air North Parking Lot Improvement project consists of renovation and expansion of the existing parking lot adjacent to the Wilson Air North Charter Terminal building. The project will add over 100 parking spaces to the current lot involving grading, drainage, curb, gutter and asphalt paving along with fencing, vehicular access control, landscaping and lighting.


Construction Cost Estimating Services

Charlotte Water and Charlotte Storm Water Services are seeking Independent construction cost estimating services. The work may include independent estimating services for various phases of construction contracts or review, reconciliation of cost estimates, and evaluation of cost estimates completed by a contractor. Respondents should have knowledge of the Charlotte market, water, sewer and stormwater construction procedures, and an understanding of various project delivery methods. Projects may be pipelines, pump stations, treatment plants or facilities projects.

Early Grading Package (4th Parallel Runway Project)

As part of the 4th Parallel Runway project, the Airport will solicit bids for grading, drainage, fencing, and erosion and sediment control. Other scopes of work include:

  • Excavation of in-site soil and rock from existing Airport property areas
  • Stockpiling, placement, and compaction of excavated material in CLT-recommended locations
  • Isolated, minor site surface drainage features along regraded areas and stockpile locations
  • May include extension of existing Coffey Creek box culvert – currently under construction as part of the South Crossfield (SCF) project (TBD)
  • May include extension of existing sanitary sewer line relocation – currently under construction as part of the SCF project (TBD)
  • Identification of and relocation of existing security perimeter fence as needed.

Vision Zero On-Call Construction Services-Cancelled

Provide on-call construction services for Vision Zero projects including, but not limited to the following:

  • Pedestrian improvements ranging from pedestrian refuges to full signal design,
  • Safe Routes to School improvements,
  • Sidewalk gap and bus stop improvements on thoroughfares.

Concourse E Gate E5/E5-A Modifications

Modifications-renovations minor changes  to existing  hold room and the exterior of building.  A new door to the exterior of the building,  steel walkway ramp from the building down to the ramp, new electrical and data and security work associated with the new door.


Wilkinson Boulevard Phase 3 Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)-DUPLICATE

This project will install single‐mode fiber optic cable installed in new directionally bored, hand dug and trenched conduit, existing conduit and aerial attachments to poles. It will remove and replace existing copper and fiber communication cables. This project includes entrances and interconnect equipment for existing traffic signal control cabinets and the installation of traffic management cameras. This project also includes fiber optic cable splicing, testing, Ethernet communications equipment, traffic management camera equipment and other related activities.