The project includes, but is not limited to, the renovation of the second floor of the McAlpine Creek WWMF Administration Building and the replacement of HVAC equipment on both floors and outside of the building. Work includes partial demolition of existing facilities to renovate two laboratories, upgrade restroom facilities, convert nonfunctioning lab space into office space, upgrade currently operating lab space, and replace non-functioning HVAC system and associated appurtenances.
Water and Sewer Service Dismantlements-CANCELLED
Charlotte Water will be advertising a construction Invitation to Bid for a new Water and Sewer Dismantlement Contract. This contract will provide dismantlement of existing water and sewer services as they are requested by customers.
Cancelled as of 10/22/2025
Concourse E Renovation (Construction Grant Funded)
Renovations to the public areas including replacement of moving walkways, toilet room renovation and expansion, terrazzo installation in the common circulation areas, ceiling replacement, new wayfinding signage and mechanical, plumbing and electrical work as required to support the renovation.
This Contract is subject to the requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 – Participation by DBE in Department of Transportation Financial Assistance Programs and the City’s DBE Program. The City’s DBE program, DBE program instructions, and DBE forms can be found at:
The City has established a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation goal of Twelve Percent (12.00%) for this contract. Subcontracting firms must be DBE certified through NCDOT to count towards participation.
For questions regarding the DBE participation goal, please contact CLT Airport’s Office of Civil Rights Manager, Jasmyne Turman, at
Amity Springs Drive 5801
Work performed under this contract will consist of storm water infrastructure repair and improvement projects within the city limits of Charlotte, NC. Work will involve mobilization, earthwork, drainage structures, storm drain pipe systems, channels, working over, under, near, and around existing private utilities, asphalt paving, concrete flatwork, and landscaping and any associated work required by the Engineer. Other work may include structural foundation protection, storm water pipe lining, storm water pipe joint and structure repair, water and sewer (relocations, installations and adjustments). Storm Water maintenance work may be located entirely within or a combination of the street right-of-way, private, residential and commercial properties.
Summerlin Storm Drainage Improvement Project
This project is on Brynwood Drive, Wessynton Drive, and Summerline Place. The existing drainage system consists of a pipe system under city-maintained roads. The improvements include pipe system upgrades.
Sardis Oaks Storm Drainage Improvement Project
This project is located on Sardis Oaks Road between Sardis Road North and Rock Point Road. The existing drainage system consists of pipe under city-maintained roads. The improvements include pipe system upgrades.
Cedar St Storm Drainage Improvement Project
This project is located on South Cedar Street between Stadium View Drive and Westmere Avenue. The existing drainage system consists of a culvert under a city-maintained road. The improvements include culvert and pipe system upgrades.
Delane Ave 1220 Storm Drainage Improvement Project
The Delane Ave 1220 storm drainage improvement project will make drainage improvements along Delane Ave from Wright Ave to approximately 80 ft past Castleton Rd. Drainage and water line improvements will be made along Castleton Rd from Delane Ave to Lomax Ave. Improvements will consist of new drainage structure, new pipe alignments, curb and gutter along Delane Ave, and the extension of a 6” water line down Castleton Rd.
Collective AB Storm Drainage Improvement Project
Work performed under this contract will consist of storm water infrastructure repair and improvement projects within the city limits of Charlotte, NC. Work will involve mobilization, earthwork, drainage structures, storm drain pipe systems, channels, working over, under, near, and around existing private utilities, asphalt paving, concrete flatwork, and landscaping and any associated work required by the Engineer. Other work may include structural foundation protection, storm water pipe lining, storm water pipe joint and structure repair, water and sewer (relocations, installations and adjustments). Storm Water maintenance work may be located entirely within or a combination of the street right-of-way, private, residential, and commercial properties.