On-Call Material Testing and Special Inspections Services

The selected Firm(s) will provide materials testing and special inspection services (“Services”) for various federal and nonfederal funded projects initiated by Charlotte Douglas International Airport (“CLT”) via an on-call basis. CLT will assign Services to the Firm through individual Task Order Documents.

Firms shall conduct general materials testing tasks in accordance with industry accepted standards and practices as well as the requirements of CLT, the Federal Aviation Administration, North Carolina Department of Transportation and City of Charlotte standards. Examples of Federal Aviation Administration standards include but are not limited to P-401/403 (Asphalt) and P-501 (Concrete). Materials testing will be to independently verify site/material conditions to allow work to proceed with confidence. Materials testing services may also include construction observation, report writing and quantity measurements.

Franklin Water Treatment Plant Main Building Renovations – CANCELLED

This will be a request for an Architectural and Engineering service package to retrofit the Franklin Water Treatment Plant Administrative Building. Phase 1 will include overall schematics, the proposed layout of the building, structural assessment, existing conditions drawings, and mapping. Phase 2 will include detailed engineering and structural design, along with architectural design. Phase 3 will include technology requests (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system, security, etc.), construction phasing/planning office spaces, finishings, exterior and landscaping. Phase 4 will include project permitting and construction admin services. There is a potential for the renovations to be broken up into smaller projects after Phase 1 is complete.

-inactive due to budget reprioritization

Miscellaneous Geotechnical and Environmental Services Request for Quotation -CANCELLED

Charlotte Water will be requesting submittals from qualified firms interested in providing miscellaneous geotechnical and environmental services on an as-needed basis. Charlotte Water’s Engineering division frequently manages projects that benefit from the use of on-call geotechnical and/or environmental testing and/or evaluation services during the design or construction stages. Firms will have to indicate whether they would like to be considered for miscellaneous Geotechnical Services, Environmental Services or both.

This opportunity has been cancelled as of 1/18/2024.

Consulting Services for the Comprehensive Transportation Plan Work Group

The City of Charlotte (City) is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from firms/teams (Firms) to provide consulting services (Services) for the Comprehensive Transportation Plan Work Group (Project). The City is seeking firms whose combination of experience and expertise will provide timely, professional services to the City. The City reserves the right to enter into one or more contracts with any firm selected under this RFQ process.

Upper Little Sugar Creek Interceptor Design

Design of Upper Little Sugar Creek Interceptor (at least Phase 1 from Wastewater Treatment Plant to East Boulevard).  The complete project extends from Sugar Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant to Sugar Creek Rd.

Coffee Creek Environmental Mitigation

Pursuant to this Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”), Charlotte Douglas International Airport (“CLT” or “Airport”), which is owned and operated by the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, is seeking statement of qualifications (“SOQ”) from qualified and experienced firms (individually or collectively, the “Firm”) interested in providing design, construction administration, and environmental monitoring services for the Coffee Creek Environmental Mitigation Project

Professional Engineering Services for Water Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County (WSACC) Rocky River Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (RRRWWTP) Expansion Project

Charlotte Water (CLTWater) is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified engineering companies (Company or Proposer) to provide supplemental project management (PM) services for the Water Sewer Authority Cabarrus County (WSACC) Rocky River Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (RRRWTP) Expansion Project (Project). In anticipation of growth within the RRRWTP service area and additional demand by Charlotte Water, specifically from growth and flow diversion from the Back Creek Sewer Basin, Water Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County (WSACC) is looking to expand the RRRWWTP from 26.5 MGD to 34 MGD. In addition, Charlotte Water intends to expand its purchased treatment capacity at the RRRWWTP by additional 3 MGD, from the current 6 MGD current purchased capacity to 9 MGD. The design-build (D-B) project is being performed by the Crowder Construction/Brown and Caldwell team managed by WSACC.

Professional Engineering Services for Construction Administration & Observations Services

Charlotte Water (CLTWater) is soliciting Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified engineering firms (Firm) to provide Construction Administration & Observations Services for the Ashe Plantation WWTP Phase II. CLTWater intends to contract with one or more firms to provide professional engineering
services for the project.

The selected Firm(s) shall provide at a minimum, construction administration and observation services.

• Construction administration (CA) services

• Construction observation, resident project representative (RPR) services

• Project closeout services


Phase II of the upgrades include the following:
• Installation of a new 100,000 GPD package WWTP with simplex flow EQ basin, parallel extended
aeration basins, parallel clarifiers, air lift pumps for RAS/WAS, simplex aerobic digestor
• New standby generator with option to use natural gas fuel
• Pre-fabricated office/laboratory/restroom
• Site piping modifications
• Electrical upgrades and modifications


Professional Engineering Services for Building Roof Replacements

Charlotte Water has 12 buildings at Sugar, Irwin, Mallard, and McAlpine Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTPs) that are in need of roofing replacement or repair. The majority of these roofing systems are over 20 years old. These roofs are aging, failing, and in need of replacement or repairs.

Charlotte Water  is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified engineering companies (Company or Proposer) to provide Professional Engineering Services for the Building Roof Replacements Project. The selected Firm(s) shall provide at a minimum, preliminary engineering and evaluation, detailed design, permitting, bidding phase services, and construction phase services.