Franklin Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Electrical Upgrades

Charlotte Water is requesting proposals from qualified companies interested in providing Professional Engineering Services for the Franklin WTP Electrical Upgrades Project. The delivery method for the Project will be Design-Bid-Build. The initial design contract is anticipated to include detailed design, permitting, and bid phase services. The design contract will be amended later to include construction administration services. Note that CLTWater will provide the selected firm a copy of the “Franklin WTP Electrical Upgrades Preliminary Engineering Report (PER)” (being written by Southeastern Consulting Engineers, Inc.), which will be the basis of detailed design. The PER is currently in development and will be provided before the Notice to Proceed for detailed design.

The following is a general description of the work required in the Franklin WTP Electrical Upgrades project. This is not intended to be all-inclusive, nor is it guaranteed that all of the below tasks will be completed. A more defined Scope of Work will be developed during negotiations with the selected firm and completion of the “Franklin WTP Electrical Upgrades PER”.

  • Detailed Design – The Engineer will provide the resources and expertise to complete the design of improvements to the existing electrical feed and standby power systems at the Franklin WTP. These upgrades will focus on providing a redundant and reliable electrical feed that meets regulatory requirements and operating goals of the plant. The Engineer will prepare detailed plans and specifications per CLTWater requirements for bidding and construction of the Project. The Engineer will support CLTWater during the bid phase/process.
    • Design of a centralized, masonry generator building with four generator bays and new switchgear.  Three generators will be procured/installed in this project.  Engineering disciplines involved include architectural, structural, building mechanical (HVAC and plumbing), process mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and controls (I&C), and civil. Surveying services and geotechnical investigation will be required.
    • Modernization of medium and low voltage switchgear, specifically at High Service Pumping Station #2 and Main Building.
    • Coordination with Duke Energy on any required modifications to the existing substation.
    • Rehabilitation of existing transfer switches and transformers at High Service Pumping Station #1, Raw Water Pumping Station #1, and Raw Water Pumping Station #2.
    • Implementation of upgraded instrumentation and controls.
    • Modifications to existing overhead power loop, focusing on redundancy and resiliency.
    • Conversion to main-tie-main configuration, where applicable.
    • As noted, CLTWater is completing a PER, which will be made available to the selected firm. The document will not be available to Proposers as a reference document since it is not complete.
  • Permitting – The Engineer will provide the expertise and resources to determine the required permitting and work with CLTWater and the regulatory agencies to successfully obtain all required permits.  Potential permits required include:
    • ACOE Section 404 Permit,
    • NCDEQ 401 Water Quality Certification,
    • NCDEQ Authorization to Construct,
    • Charlotte Mecklenburg Building permits, and
    • Erosion control permits.
  • Cost Estimating – Budget is critical on this project, and the Engineer will be expected to have a high degree of accuracy of cost estimating at all phases of design such that development of the final estimate reflects current market pricing as much as practical.
  • Construction Administration – The Engineer will provide Construction Administration services during the project construction phase with both office engineering services and Resident Project Representative services in the field.
  • Start-Up and Commissioning – The Engineer will provide the resources and expertise to start up the new facilities and ensure they are operating as planned and reliably.  Commissioning includes providing excellent documentation of the structures and equipment via O&M manuals and record drawings and satisfactory closeout of all permits.

Note: The above scope represents the Owner’s requirements at this time.  CLTWATER reserves the right to change this scope (either reductions or additions.

Bi-Annual Bridge and Structure Inspections

This RFQ is for the selection of a consultant to perform Bi-Annual Bridge and Structure Inspections which includes two phases. Phase A is the inspections and Phase B is the design and design services during construction. The selected consultant shall perform inspections every two years on the following: light rail bridges, elevated stations, walls and culverts, parking decks, retaining walls, ballast curbs, underpasses (i.e. N. Tryon).


PSR # 1796

Professional Engineering Services for Transportation Projects

The Engineering Services Division of the Department of General Services (GS) is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified engineering companies (Company) to provide the following three main components for this solicitation and interested parties may choose to be considered for any or all:

• Embedded Consultant Project Management staff: Primary responsibilities include reviewing project deliverables and the overall project management duties as normally performed by city Project Managers. The consultant must certify designs as a North Carolina Professional Engineer or defer this to the project engineer. QA/QC staff should have experience in designing and preparing construction plans for transportation projects and will oversee the work of Project Engineers and/or consultant designers on assigned projects and be directly responsible for ensuring projects are delivered on-schedule and within the allocated budget.
• Embedded Project Engineer staff: Primarily responsible for completing designs for an average of 4-10 projects per year, depending on size and scope. They will be the engineer of record for designs of varying sizes and will report directly to city or consultant Project Management Staff.
• Miscellaneous Planning and Design Services: The City of Charlotte is seeking assistance from qualified Transportation Consulting firms to provide transportation planning and transportation engineering on “on-call” basis. The on-call contract will provide a flexible and effective way for the city to respond to recurring consultant service needs covering a range of multi-dimensional transportation engineering and planning tasks. The flexible on-call consultant service contracts with qualified transportation firms will help meet the needs of the city. Each firm selected for an on-call contract will be required to enter into a master agreement with the city. This master agreement will fulfill the consultant solicitation and selection process for the work to be performed under the on-call contract.

Consultant for Roof and Skylight Inspections

The purpose of these services is to inspect each facility roof and exterior walls by qualified personnel as scheduled by client. This consists of all elements of roofs and building envelopes. No invasive roof openings are anticipated as part of these services. Additionally, perform water tests as scheduled by the client at Skylights, Windows, Exterior Walls or Through-Wall Flashings utilizing a spray rack or standard garden hoses and portable communication.

Unspecified Pond/Dam and Water Quality Improvement Projects

The selected firms will use HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, SWMM, and/or a hydraulic grade line closed system computer model, or an approved alternative method. All methods will be in accordance with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Design Manual. The City’s then current AutoCAD standards will be used for production of all plans and profiles.

Work will be issued via written Task Orders, which will specify the requirements of the various projects. Multiple Task Orders may be issued for each project. Multiple task orders may be issued at once.  The City of Charlotte reserves the right, upon successful completion of a given Task Order, to issue subsequent Task Orders to the same or a different Company.

The below list provides a general list of the tasks required.  This is not intended to be all-inclusive, nor is it guaranteed that all of the below tasks will be utilized.  A more defined Scope of Work will be developed during negotiation with the selected company.

Hydraulic Modeling and Baseline Capacity Analysis Update for the Capacity Assurance Program

Charlotte Water (CLTWater) is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified engineering firms (ENGINEER) for Hydraulic Modeling and Baseline Capacity Analysis Update Services. These services are to be comprised of hydraulic modeling, and determining new baseline capacities for select sewer basins, for use in the Capacity Assurance Program, as needed, for sewer systems located throughout the Charlotte Water service area. These services will also include studies to evaluate the wastewater collection system sub-basin for existing and future capacity needs. Hydrologic and hydraulic analyses will be performed for designated sewer basins using Charlotte Water’s current Infoworks collection system base model.

Construction Manager at Risk for Robinson Church Road Phase 2

Construction Manager at Risk  (CMAR) Services

A CMAR will bring value in determining the most cost-effective alignment and provide potential construction phasing options, thereby minimizing schedule risks and constructability concerns.

The proposed design includes a 12’‐wide concrete shared‐use path along one side of Robinson Church Road, beginning at Plott Road (connects to Robinson Church Road Phase 1 Improvements) and continues to Harrisburg Road. Accommodations for pedestrian / bicycle crossings and minor upgrades at major intersections (Hood Road, the future Eastern Circumferential Roadway and Harrisburg Road) and minor side streets (Alanbrook Road, Ludell Lane, Irwin Road, Fairford Drive, Solares Drive, Jerimoth Drive, Culver Spring Way, Hammond Drive, Atlas Cedar, Deluca Drive, Castle Garden Lane, Williams Gate Lane and Jones Creek Circle) will also be included in the scope. The project team is early in the design phase and plans are currently at a 10% milestone level. The CMAR shall provide input on the design, including side‐of‐street analysis for the shared‐use path and pedestrian / bicycle crossings at all major and minor intersections to identify potential cost savings and schedule efficiencies.


RFQ: Design-Builder – CMPD Helicopter Hangar Relocation

Relocation of existing CMPD Helicopter Hangar to an off-site location alongside Billy Graham Parkway will be performed via Alternative Delivery Method, specifically Progressive Design-Build (D/B).  FAA regulatory studies, analysis, coordination and permitting is a requirement of this projects scope.  A Design Build team will be solicited to implement the project scope.

Lead and Copper Rule Revision

Charlotte Water is soliciting Statement of Qualifications from a qualified engineering firm to provide future service line inspections (meter box inspections or potholing), as well as service line data entry for predictive modeling.