Based on repair needs identified in Inspection Reports, the Consultant shall prepare technical plans and specifications (“Construction Documents”) for the required repairs to the City’s bridges. The Consultant shall prepare two (2) bid documents (including one for guardrail work) that shall include the technical
plans and specifications for the bid packages for each bridge, as well as bid information/requirements for potential contractors. The Consultant shall plan completion dates for each bridge so that all bridge repairs will be completed by the contractor before the beginning of the next inspection cycle.
FY24-FY25 Various Storm Water Improvement Project
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services will be requesting proposals from qualified companies interested in providing Professional Engineering Services for Various Storm Water Services Projects. The selected firm/s will use HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, SWMM, and/or a hydraulic grade line closed system computer model, or an approved alternative method, and all methods will be per the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Design Manual. The city’s then-current AutoCAD standards will be used to produce all plans and profiles. The selected company(ies) may be required to pursue stream restoration and enhancement for mitigation credit per NCDEQ and USACE requirements, where appropriate.
Project descriptions for all three Scopes of Services will be found within the solicitation document. The projects are anticipated to be assigned and initiated under each Scope of Services but are subject to change based on future Capital Improvement Project priorities and funding.
Dukes Reliability and Residuals – Cancelled
This will be a request for qualification for Design Services. The project scope includes; new clarifier, new thickener, filter replacement, electric and piping upgrades, etc. Anticipated 16 month design with 20 month construction.
This opportunity has been cancelled as of 7/24
Concourse A Expansion Phase III (Design)
Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) is seeking a qualified airport consulting team to provide design and construction administration services (“Services”) for the third phase of gate expansions to Concourse A. It is essential that the design and configuration of the concourse has adequate aircraft parking depth, taxi lane circulation, and service vehicle circulation, in order to ensure an efficient operation, as well as provide flexibility for changes in aircraft fleet mix, design requirements, and potential changes in forecasted growth
Concourse C Expansion (Design)
Airport will seek qualifications for Architecture/Engineering consultant services for the expansion of Concourse C. The project will develop approximately 300,000 square feet with up to 16 aircraft boarding gates. Services will include concept development (including architectural planning and site planning), schematic design, design development, contract documents, bidding services, and construction administration.
Building Infrastructure Masterplan – Cancelled
Perform a masterplan analysis of the base building infrastructure including, but not limited to, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection systems at Charlotte Douglas International Airport for both the main terminal campus and all Airport-owned outlying buildings. The masterplan development includes a review of the existing building infrastructural systems, establishment of a forecast analysis and growth requirements, development of implementation strategies, and preparation of budget estimates.
On-Call Material Testing and Special Inspections Services
The selected Firm(s) will provide materials testing and special inspection services (“Services”) for various federal and nonfederal funded projects initiated by Charlotte Douglas International Airport (“CLT”) via an on-call basis. CLT will assign Services to the Firm through individual Task Order Documents.
Firms shall conduct general materials testing tasks in accordance with industry accepted standards and practices as well as the requirements of CLT, the Federal Aviation Administration, North Carolina Department of Transportation and City of Charlotte standards. Examples of Federal Aviation Administration standards include but are not limited to P-401/403 (Asphalt) and P-501 (Concrete). Materials testing will be to independently verify site/material conditions to allow work to proceed with confidence. Materials testing services may also include construction observation, report writing and quantity measurements.
Franklin Water Treatment Plant Main Building Renovations – CANCELLED
This will be a request for an Architectural and Engineering service package to retrofit the Franklin Water Treatment Plant Administrative Building. Phase 1 will include overall schematics, the proposed layout of the building, structural assessment, existing conditions drawings, and mapping. Phase 2 will include detailed engineering and structural design, along with architectural design. Phase 3 will include technology requests (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system, security, etc.), construction phasing/planning office spaces, finishings, exterior and landscaping. Phase 4 will include project permitting and construction admin services. There is a potential for the renovations to be broken up into smaller projects after Phase 1 is complete.
-inactive due to budget reprioritization
Miscellaneous Geotechnical and Environmental Services Request for Quotation -CANCELLED
Charlotte Water will be requesting submittals from qualified firms interested in providing miscellaneous geotechnical and environmental services on an as-needed basis. Charlotte Water’s Engineering division frequently manages projects that benefit from the use of on-call geotechnical and/or environmental testing and/or evaluation services during the design or construction stages. Firms will have to indicate whether they would like to be considered for miscellaneous Geotechnical Services, Environmental Services or both.
This opportunity has been cancelled as of 1/18/2024.