Amazon Property Landscape Maintenance

The Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) seeks to award a contract for Landscaping Maintenance Services of common areas at Amazon Property. All work must meet accepted standards as set forth in industry documents and this scope of services. The Contractor must be able to perform the majority of work each weekday (Monday –Friday) with litter control occurring each day of the week.

Litter and Turf Maintenance, Turf Mowing, Fire Ant Control , Grassed Slopes, Leaf Removal, Pruning – Tree Canopy Elevation, Weed Control and Chemical Use General Guidelines, Application of Herbicides and Pesticides, Tree Rings Weeds, Hard surfaces Zone 3, Mulch Top Dressing, Unit Work: Mulching, Tree and Shrub Fertilization, Tree Planting (damaged trees only),

Roof and Sealant Replacement (4824 West Blvd)

This contract will be to provide roof and sealant replacement on the building at
4824 West Boulevard for Charlotte Douglas International Airport, Charlotte, North Carolina. This will be a complete removal of existing roofing membrane, insulation, flashings, sheet metal flashings, gutters, and downspouts, and complete removal of all existing backer rod and sealant at exterior wall brick control joints; repair and/or replacement of rusted and/or deteriorated metal deck, and the installation of new insulation, cover board, mechanically fastened 60 mil TPO membrane and associated flashings, sheet metal flashings, gutters and downspouts, and backer rod and sealant at exterior wall brick control joints and all associated miscellaneous work. The contractor must also provide temporary protection of contents in the building and cleanup of debris associated with removals. The roof has exceeded the expected lifespan and is currently 30+ years old. The project term will be 180 days.

Ground Power Circuit Upgrades

The intent of this project is to add the required circuits needed to add an additional 90KVA ground power unit to the existing loading bridges B9, B12, B13, B16. The new electrical circuits will be run-up to the rotunda at each loading bridge and terminated in a fused disconnect per the BR+A drawings. The contract term will be eight (8) months.

Airport Main Entrance Landscape Additions

Work to include amending, planting, mulching, chemical application, watering, and all other operations as described herein to create an aesthetic extension to the existing landscape.  Only areas circled on plan maps are in the current scope. To scale AutoCAD plans are available upon request. Work areas are at the intersection of Josh Birmingham and Wilkinson Blvd. and extend
up to the intersection of Scott Futrell.  The contractor is responsible for all utility locates.  Watering services shall be a part of the scope and performed as often as needed for one year after final acceptance to ensure all material remains in a healthy and viable growing condition. If during that time material becomes unacceptably dry or otherwise in poor condition due to watering or lack thereof the monthly payments shall not be made.  Alternate: This work is to remove and replace all magnolias and all gingkos on the west side of
the road in between Scott Futrell and Wilkinson Blvd. with new material of the same species in a 3” caliper. Watering services are part of this alternate.

Air Handler Unit #63 Replacement

The scope of this contract shall be to provide the installation of an air handling unit (#63) to provide the additional air flow and cooling needed to satisfy the heat load on this section of concourse “E”. The contract term is 90 days.

Parking Management and Staffing Services

Charlotte Douglas International Airport (“CLT” or “Airport”), which is owned and operated by the City of Charlotte, North Carolina (“City”), is seeking Proposals from qualified and experienced companies (individually or collectively, the “Proposer”) interested  in Parking Management and Staff Services.

Airport Traffic Services

Direct pedestrian, vehicular and construction-related traffic on upper and lower levels of the terminal entrances, and other areas as assigned, to prevent congestion.  Provide information to the public and give directions to airport and off-airport locations. Provide exceptional customer service while maintaining an obstruction-free walkway for the movement of pedestrians across the crosswalk.  Provides assistance to individuals needing help crossing the street. Directing smokers to appropriate smoking areas. Report unattended bags. Perform other duties as required. Use proper radio etiquette for communication over the radio.

Add Portable Generator Provisions

This solicitation will be to provide a connection point for a portable generator hookup at our Fleet Maintenance Facility. The desired emergency loads will have to be divided out into an emergency panel and the emergency panel will be supplied by a manual transfer switch. The Airport would like the generator to provide standby power for the fire pump, front office computer loads, shop air compressor, trapeze power throughout the shop, all lighting, tire rack balancer and mounter, oil lube pumps, etc.  The term for this contract is four months.