Opportunities per Page
/ Opportunities
Welcome to EarlyBird, the City of Charlotte Business Opportunities Pipeline! This site is a comprehensive listing of Active and In Development contracting opportunities across all City of Charlotte departments. Projects can be searched using keywords, by commodity code, or using a variety of filters to narrow down opportunities your business may be interested in participating in. Click on the orange Requirements button on the Opportunity to see additional details about the project and specific requirements that may be helpful in preparing to participate in an upcoming solicitation. You can also “follow” a project using various social media channels to get notifications when the requirements are updated, or once the project moves from “In Development” to “Active” status.
If you have questions or need assistance with this portal, contact City Procurement at earlybird@charlottenc.gov.
- Aviation
- Charlotte Area Transit System
- Charlotte Communications & Marketing
- Charlotte Department of Transportation
- Charlotte Fire Department
- Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department
- Charlotte Planning, Design & Development
- Charlotte Storm Water Services
- Charlotte Water
- City Attorney’s Office
- City Clerk
- City Manager's Office
- City Wide
- Community Relations
- Department of General Services
- Economic Development
- Finance
- Housing & Neighborhood Services
- Human Resources
- Innovation & Technology
- Internal Audit
- Solid Waste Services
- Strategy & Budget
Solicitation Category
- Architectural / Engineering Services
- Commodities & Goods
- Construction
- Construction Cost Estimating
- General Services
- Technology Goods & Services
- SBE-Small Business Enterprise
- DBE-Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
- MBE-Minority Business Enterprise
- WBE-Women Owned Business Enterprise
Expected Release Date
From Date
To Date
Estimated Total Value
- $10,000 - 49,999
- $50,000 - 99,999
- $100,000 - 249,999
- $250,000 - 499,999
- $500,000 - 999,999
- $1,000,000 -4,999,999
- $5,000,000 - 9,999,999
- $10,000,000+
In Development
Charlotte Area Transit System / General Services
CATS Paratransit ADA Overflow
In Development
Strategy & Budget / General Services
Municipal Services Districts Administration RFP
- Posting Number: 2024-Q4(Oct-Dec)-SB-15281
- Anticipated Posting Date: 2024-10-01
- Last Updated: 09/17/24
The City has defined and established five (5) Municipal Service Districts (“MSD”). These partnerships extend the City’s capacity to address strategic priorities and concerns of the community, including but not limited to:
- Partnerships due to special legislation (such as tax allocations);
- Partnerships that support the City Council’s five strategic Focus Areas for the City (Community Safety, Economic Development & Global Competitiveness, Environment, Housing & Neighborhood Development, and Transportation & Planning); and
- Partnerships that contribute to community enrichment.
The City is seeking a Company or Companies to provide Municipal Service District Services for each of the existing 5 MSDs. Companies may choose to propose for services on one (1) or more MSDs, and the City shall contract individually for each MSD with the Company best meeting the City’s needs. Companies are coordinated by the Office of Strategy & Budget
In Development
Department of General Services / General Services
Vehicle Accessories and Up-fitting
- Posting Number: 2025-Q3(Jul-Sep)-DGS-15729
- Anticipated Posting Date: 2025-08-01
- Last Updated: 09/04/24
The City of Charlotte requires qualified light vehicle dealers and general service providers to work in conjunction with the Fleet Management Division to support the city’s various up-fitting needs including but not limited to window tenting, bed liner installing, lift gates, and truck bed shells.
In Development
City Wide, Department of General Services / General Services
General Vehicle Collision Repair Services
- Posting Number: 2025-Q4(Oct-Dec)-CTW-15735
- Anticipated Posting Date: 2025-12-02
- Last Updated: 09/04/24
The City requires qualified service providers to work in conjunction with the City’s Fleet Management staff to perform complete turnkey collision repairs and related services on city fleet and Mecklenburg County vehicles. Collision repairs may include but are not limited to paint and body work, frame, cooling systems, engine components, transmission, steering, and related part repairs or replacement.
In Development
Aviation, Department of General Services / General Services
Vehicle and Equipment Welding and Related Services
- Posting Number: 2025-Q3(Jul-Sep)-AVI-15731
- Anticipated Posting Date: 2025-07-01
- Last Updated: 09/04/24
The City requires a company to work in conjunction with Fleet Management, the Airport and other city departments to provide Vehicle and Equipment Welding and Related Services to the City of Charlotte. The Company shall perform vehicle or equipment maintenance, repair, and modification through the provision of Vehicle and Equipment Welding and Related services for vehicles and equipment owned, operated, or maintained by the City.
In Development
Department of General Services / General Services
Allison Transmission Repair Services
- Posting Number: 2025-Q2(Apr-Jun)-DGS-15726
- Anticipated Posting Date: 2025-06-03
- Last Updated: 09/04/24
The City’s Fleet Management Division is seeking to establish a relationship with an Allison authorized company to provide transmission services for vehicles and equipment owned by various departments within the City of Charlotte.
In Development
City Wide, Department of General Services / General Services
Light Vehicle Repairs
- Posting Number: 2025-Q1(Jan-Mar)-CTW-15723
- Anticipated Posting Date: 2025-02-15
- Last Updated: 08/28/24
The City of Charlotte requires qualified light vehicle dealers and general service providers to work in conjunction with the Fleet Management Division to support the city’s fleet comprising various makes, model years. The services for this requirement include but are not limited to repair, replacement, maintenance, diagnostic, warranty repair and representation related services for vehicles.
In Development
Charlotte Department of Transportation / General Services
2024 NBIS Bridge Inspection – Non-Qualifying
- Posting Number: 2025-Q3(Jul-Sep)-CDT-13548
- Anticipated Posting Date: 2025-07-01
- Last Updated: 08/14/24
Part of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) mandates that bridges and culverts are inspected every two years. Bridges are inspected for structural adequacy, safety, and functionality.
In Development
Aviation / Commodities & Goods, General Services
Water Treatment Chemical Services
- Posting Number: 2025-Q4(Oct-Dec)-AVI-14865
- Anticipated Posting Date: 2025-10-07
- Last Updated: 08/08/24
The scope of this contract shall be to provide water treatment chemicals
and to furnish all professional services and expertise to operate a water treatment chemical program
In Development
Finance / General Services
Long Term Investment Program (LTIP) Investment Consulting Services RFP ... Long Term Investment Program (LTIP) Investment Consulting Services RFP
- Posting Number: 2024-Q3(Jul-Sep)-FN-15115
- Anticipated Posting Date: 2024-08-15
- Last Updated: 07/16/24
The purpose of this solicitation is to select an investment consultant (Company) that will partner with the City of Charlotte to provide investment consulting services for the City’s Long-Term Investment Program (“LTIP”) and assist with fiduciary oversight for the City’s existing deferred compensation programs and retiree health investment plan.
In Development
Aviation / General Services
Building Management Systems
- Posting Number: 2025-Q2(Apr-Jun)-AVI-14659
- Anticipated Posting Date: 2025-04-15
- Last Updated: 05/07/24
CLT is seeking proposals from qualified and experienced companies interested in maintaining existing or providing a Building Management Systems to monitor access control, cameras, HVAC and fire detection at the main Terminal, old Terminal building and at the CLT
In Development
Charlotte Department of Transportation / General Services
Snow and Ice Removal
- Posting Number: 2025-Q2(Apr-Jun)-CDT-14574
- Anticipated Posting Date: 2025-05-31
- Last Updated: 04/11/24
The City of Charlotte Department of Transportation (CDOT) is responsible for the removal of snow and ice on City maintained streets. Additional resources are needed to clear streets during extraordinary winter weather events. Contractors provide additional dump truck and plowing equipment with licensed operators to supplement City services.
The Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) is seeking a Company to perform Americans with Disability Act (ADA) required complementary paratransit passenger service to augment the existing Special Transportation Service (STS). The Company will meet all Department of Transportation (DOT) Federal
Transit Administration (FTA) and ADA requirements in the safe and efficient service of the assigned passengers.
In accordance with the ADA, CATS offers complementary paratransit services to individuals who, because of a disability (physical, cognitive, or visual), cannot access fixed routes buses. The ADA defines eligibility for complementary Paratransit service in 49 CFR Section 37.123 of the federal regulations.
CATS operates the paratransit system, which is a pre-scheduled, shared-ride, origin to destination service.
This is a nonexclusive agreement. CATS reserves the right to certify other eligible private transportation service companies that apply to participate in the Program.
The term “customer” shall refer to CATS applicants and/or existing CATS clients and their companions or Personal Care Attendants (PCA). The term “CATS Transit System” shall refer to both CATS’ accessible fixed route bus and CATS’ accessible light rail.
The Company shall be responsible for transporting CATS paratransit eligible customers in accordance with the ADA. Disability alone does not determine paratransit eligibility; the decision is based on the customer’s functional ability to use the fixed-route bus and is not a medical decision.
CATS service area is 741 sq. miles and paratransit service consists of over 5,000 eligible passengers and 2,500 active passengers with at least one ride in past 12 months. With currently 700+ scheduled rides per weekday and 200+ on weekends. 25% of trips scheduled involve a customer with a mobility device. As the COVID-19 pandemic ridership is returning to pre-pandemic levels
While the City is flexible with respect to certain elements of the Special Transportation Services (STS) ADA Paratransit Services, the City has specific requirements and preferences for the Service delivery method.
PSR #1510