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Welcome to EarlyBird, the City of Charlotte Business Opportunities Pipeline! This site is a comprehensive listing of Active and In Development contracting opportunities across all City of Charlotte departments. Projects can be searched using keywords, by commodity code, or using a variety of filters to narrow down opportunities your business may be interested in participating in. Click on the orange Requirements button on the Opportunity to see additional details about the project and specific requirements that may be helpful in preparing to participate in an upcoming solicitation. You can also “follow” a project using various social media channels to get notifications when the requirements are updated, or once the project moves from “In Development” to “Active” status.
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Charlotte Storm Water Services / Construction
Piccadilly Storm Drainage Improvement Project
Charlotte Storm Water Services / Construction
Severn/Tyndal Storm Drainage Improvement Project
The purpose and need for this construction project is to improve the storm drainage infrastructure (i.e. pipe systems and culverts) to reduce flooding and to enhance degraded stream reaches to reduce erosion and improve water quality. The project area is located in the overall Sunnyvale Storm Drainage Improvement Project (SDIP) area. The scope of work for the Tyndale Avenue project includes replacing a corrugated metal pipe between Tyndale Avenue and Chandworth Road. Replacement of the system is needed to address reported house flooding in the immediate area. The upgrade to the system also allows for the construction of the upstream improvements currently in design from the Storm Water’s queue that will address seven requests for service of failing infrastructure and flooding requests. Approximately 500 linear feet of 48-inch to 66-inch corrugated pipe will need to be replaced to address the undersized and deteriorating system in the Severn Avenue project area.
Department of General Services / Construction
Idlewild Road/Rama Road/Monroe Road Intersection
This project will improve the Idlewild Road and Monroe Road intersection to enhance conditions for all users. Improvements will include pavement widening to accommodate dual left turn lanes at all intersection approaches, bike lanes or multi-use paths, pedestrian refuge islands, and new sidewalks.
The purpose and need for this construction project is to improve the storm drainage infrastructure (i.e. pipe systems and culverts) to reduce flooding and to enhance degraded stream reaches to reduce erosion and improve water quality. This project is under review. Location and project details will be provided after review is complete.