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Welcome to EarlyBird, the City of Charlotte Business Opportunities Pipeline! This site is a comprehensive listing of Active and In Development contracting opportunities across all City of Charlotte departments. Projects can be searched using keywords, by commodity code, or using a variety of filters to narrow down opportunities your business may be interested in participating in. Click on the orange Requirements button on the Opportunity to see additional details about the project and specific requirements that may be helpful in preparing to participate in an upcoming solicitation. You can also “follow” a project using various social media channels to get notifications when the requirements are updated, or once the project moves from “In Development” to “Active” status.
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Charlotte Storm Water Services / Construction
Collective Series K Storm Drainage Improvement Project
The purpose and need for this construction project is to improve the storm drainage infrastructure (i.e. pipe systems and culverts) to reduce flooding and to enhance degraded stream reaches to reduce erosion and improve water quality. This project is a collective package of three small storm drain improvement projects that will be constructed under one contract. This project package is under review and location and project details will be provided after review is complete. |
Charlotte Area Transit System / General Services
Bus tire leasing
BOD is seeking a lessor to furnish and maintain tires that meet specifications for Gillig eGenFlex and Battery electric busses. The initial term will be three (3) years with the option to renew twice for one year each.
PSR # 1682
Charlotte Area Transit System / General Services
Morehead Pedestrian Crossing Upgrade
This project will be comprised of reconfiguring the Morehead Pedestrian Crossing to provide safety measures and visibility ahead of the I-277 Pedestrian Bridge project.
For pavement markings on CATS owned streets, roadways, and parking lots, the materials used in the Work shall be a NCDOT preapproved product such as Ennis-Flint TrafficPatterns, Transpo Industries Color-Safe, or approved equal.
The pavement marking shall be a preformed red bar measuring 4 inches wide by 10 feet in length with “STOP HERE” lettering in White.
The materials shall be applied using the propane torch method recommended by the manufacturer. A compatible primer sealer may be applied before application to assure proper adhesion. The material must be able to be applied without minimum requirements for ambient and sidewalk temperatures and without any preheating of the sidewalk to a specific temperature. The material must be able to be applied without the use of a thermometer. The sidewalk shall be clean, dry and free of debris. Supplier must enclose application instructions with each box/package.
All pavement markings will be paid by the horizontal linear foot. Such prices and payment will be considered full compensation for furnishing all materials, tools, labor, and equipment.
PSR # 1686
Department of General Services / Construction
Monroe Road Multi Use Path (MUP)
The purpose of this project is to provide safer pedestrian conditions along Monroe Road from Eaton Road to McCullen Way. Currently, there are two active city projects in the vicinity of this project. This MUP will fill a key gap between these two projects, providing a safer and more connected route for pedestrians and cyclists.
Department of General Services / Construction
Brown Grier Road Upgrades
This project will widen the two-lane road to a four-lane median-divided road with multi-use paths between Steele Creek Road and Whitehall Park Drive, and a multi-use path north along Sandy Porter Road to the subdivision at Williams Glenn Road.
Department of General Services / Construction
Cross Charlotte Trail (XCLT)− Matheson to Craighead
The Matheson to Craighead segment of the Cross Charlotte Trail will implement a 14-foot shared use path beginning at E 36th Street. The path will continue down Cullman Ave and board walk up into a pedestrian bridge spanning the Norfolk Southern Railroad tracks utilizing a prefabricated structure within railroad right of way. The structure will then connect to the existing trail built by Brand Properties within the Kaleido Noda apartment complex.
Department of General Services / Construction
University City Blvd Pedestrian Crossings
This Project will install 270 LF of proposed 12′ wide multi-use-path, curb ramps, crosswalks across NC 49, Pedestrian concrete island, milling/resurfacing, storm drainage and pedestrian hybrid beacon with mast arms near the intersection of University Blvd and Mark Twain Road. This project will also install pedestrian crossings, wheelchair ramps, traffic signals milling/resurfacing and storm drainage system at the intersection of University City Blvd and Suther Rd.91347
Department of General Services / Construction
LaSalle Street/Beatties Ford Road Intersection Improvements
Install decorative crosswalks (interconnected preformed thermoplastic), milling and resurfacing, and pavement markings.
Department of General Services / Construction
North Tryon St Left Turn Lane at University City Blvd
The purpose of this project is to improve traffic flow on North Tryon Street by extending the left turn lane. This project will include lane widening, drainage and pavement markings.
Department of General Services / Architectural / Engineering Services
RFQ-Consulting Engineering Services
This Request for Qualifications is to select several firms to provide consulting engineering services on a task order on-call basis.
Generally, the Engineer will provide consulting services that may include planning, design, environmental, and construction administration. In addition, the Engineer may be asked to assist in the development of grant application as well as agreements including federal funding.
Department of General Services / Construction
Margaret Wallace Road Sidewalk (Summerfield Ridge Lane to Marshbrooke ... Margaret Wallace Road Sidewalk (Summerfield Ridge Lane to Marshbrooke Road)
This project will install a 6′ concrete sidewalk, 8′ planting strip, concrete curb ramps, Pedestrian Refuge Island, concrete driveways, 2′-6″ concrete curb and gutter, storm drainage systems, and street trees along Margaret Wallace Road from Summerfield Ridge Lane to Marshbrooke Road. The project length is 1,900 LF/0.40 miles.
Department of General Services / Construction
7th Street Parallel Bike Routes
This project will build bike facilities in several different locations throughout the Elizabeth neighborhood to create safer conditions and improve ease of travel for cyclists and pedestrians, including approximately 2.1 miles of sharrows, modernization of two existing rectangular rapid flashing beacons, replacement of 10 wheelchair ramps, a new pedestrian crossing at Pecan Avenue and Shenandoah Avenue, implementation of new bike detection cameras, a new full traffic signal at Bascom Street and 7th Street, and a curb extension located at the intersection of Pecan Avenue and 8th Street.