This project will improve the curbs, driveway, sidewalks and ramps for Beatties Ford Road between Russell Avenue and Lasalle Street. Concrete shall be 6-inch Portland cement, asphalt shall be two-inch course and four-inch intermediate course. Gravel shall be six-inch incidental stone. Limits of proposed slopes are indicated in the plans. The contractor shall maintain erosion control devices in accordance with the appropriate city and state erosion and sediment control ordinances. Contractor shall sawcut existing asphalt and/or concrete surfaces prior to removal unless otherwise directed by the engineer. Project length is 0.281 miles.
Collective X (Multiple Isolated Storm Drainage Improvements Projects)
This project consists of multiple isolated storm drainage improvements projects located throughout the City of Charlotte. Projects include storm drainage replacement and sewer relocations within the street right-of-way and private, residential properties.
Asphalt Traffic Calming Device Installation
This project involves building asphalt speed cushions, asphalt speed tables, and the rebuilding existing speed humps that have worn down over time throughout the City. The project includes traffic control, pavement milling, bituminous surface treatment, and pavement markings. This project will be assigned by task orders.
Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons Installation – REBID
The City of Charlotte is soliciting bids for the procurement of Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) Systems. The RRFB Systems will be placed at High‐Visibility Enhanced Crosswalk locations. This contract will include the purchase and installation of the flashing beacons systems.
Unspecified Traffic Signal Installation and Maintenance FY2023B
This contract is for Task Order based new Traffic Signal Installations and modifications to existing Traffic Signals at several intersections and roadways that are maintained by the City of Charlotte and North Carolina Department of Transportation on an “as needed” basis. This contract also includes fiber-optic cable installation, splicing and testing.
Rivergate Parkway Bridge
This project will install a bridge over Hoover Creek connecting two ends of Rivergate Parkway. The project will provide vehicular and pedestrian access between neighborhoods and local retail. The project amenities include: a new bridge, sidewalk, curb and gutter, milling, asphalt pavement, pavement markings and related activities.
Cross Charlotte Trail (XCLT)− Orr Rd to Rocky River Rd
This project will complete a new segment of XCLT approximately 2.0 miles in length, extending from Orr Road at Tryon Street to Rocky River Road. It is anticipated that the alignment will generally follow the Master Plan alignment. The trail cross section will be narrower in some sections along Orr Road and will follow Toby Creek on the south side until reaching Rocky River Road where the XCLT connects to existing Toby Creek Greenway.
Collective Storm Drainage Improvement Project Series Z
Collective Storm Drainage Improvement Project Series Z will be comprised of two separate projects, 1818 Baxter Street and 7316 Thorncliff Drive. 1818 Baxter Street’s main component will include 46 linear feet of 9’x6’ precast reinforced concrete box culvert with sills. 7316 Thorncliff Drive’s main component is 213 linear feet of 6’x7’ precast reinforced concrete box culvert with sills. 7316 Thorncliff Drive will also include storm drainage improvements in the road way with approximately 300 linear feet of 18” to 30” reinforced concrete pipe, and several utility relocations.
McCullough Streetscape Project
Originating from the Northeast Corridor Infrastructure (NECI) Program, this project proposes to provide a new street connection by extending McCullough Drive from North Tryon Street to the existing dead end at Ken Hoffman Drive. This project will include two travel lanes, planting strips, curb & gutter, asphalt milling and paving, storm drainage, utility relocation, erosion control, bike lanes, sidewalk, Post Construction Stormwater Ordinance (PCSO) underground storage vaults, and retaining wall improvements. This project will improve pedestrian and bicycle mobility between North Tryon Street and W.T. Harris Boulevard.