Craighead/Tryon Storm Drainage Improvement Project

The Craighead/Tryon Storm Drainage Improvement Project is bordered by Glory Street to the north, Little Sugar Creek to the south, Sugar Creek Road to the east and Craighead Road to the west. The existing drainage system consists of pipe system under city-maintained road, state-maintained road, and private property. The improvements include pipe system upgrades.

Gaynelle Storm Drainage Improvement Project

This project is located on Gaynelle Drive between Langley Circle and Running Wood Lane. The existing drainage system consists of open channel and a culvert under a city-maintained road. The culvert system is experiencing blockages and is prone to flooding. This project consists of replacing 60 LF of existing 72” X 85” CMP with 60 LF of a 11’X5’ RCBC.

Collective T Storm Drainage Improvement Project

Collective Storm Drainage Improvement Project (SDIP) Series T contains five separate storm water infrastructure repair and improvement projects within the city limits of Charlotte, NC. Work will involve mobilization, earthwork,
drainage structures (standard and non-standard), storm drainpipe systems, working over, under, near, and around existing private utilities, asphalt paving, concrete flatwork, water and sewer (relocations, installations and adjustments), foundation protection and any other associated work required by the Engineer. Storm Water maintenance work may be located entirely within or a combination of the street right-of-way, private, residential and commercial properties.

Collective V (Multiple Isolated Storm Drainage Improvements Projects)

This project consists of multiple isolated storm drainage improvements projects located throughout the City of Charlotte. Projects include storm drainage improvements and replacement and repair of existing storm drainage system facilities within the street right-of-way and private, residential properties.

Collective Storm Drainage Improvement Project Series Z

Collective Storm Drainage Improvement Project Series Z will be comprised of two separate projects, 1818 Baxter Street and 7316 Thorncliff Drive. 1818 Baxter Street’s main component will include 46 linear feet of 9’x6’ precast reinforced concrete box culvert with sills. 7316 Thorncliff Drive’s main component is 213 linear feet of 6’x7’ precast reinforced concrete box culvert with sills. 7316 Thorncliff Drive will also include storm drainage improvements in the road way with approximately 300 linear feet of 18” to 30” reinforced concrete pipe, and several utility relocations.

Laurel Avenue Storm Drainage Improvement Project

This project is bordered by Laurel Avenue to the north, Dotger Avenue to the south, Randolph Road to the east and Hempstead Place to the west.  The existing drainage system consists of closed pipe systems.  This drainage system is currently undersized and street flooding has been reported on Colville Road and building flooding has been reported on Cranbrook Lane.

Foxrun/Burtonwood Storm Drainage Improvement Project

This project is bordered by Rama Road to the north, McAlpine Creek to the south, Monroe Road to the east and Burlwood Road to the west.  The drainage system consists of open channel and closed pipe systems underneath City maintained roads.  This was previously identified as a major capital project from the watershed ranking prioritization process with a score of 54 of 100.  The ranking protocol identifies 30 structures that experience flooding in the 100-year storm event and 16 roads that experience transverse overtopping events that do not meet current standards.  A holistic project is needed to cost beneficially address the drainage system issues.


Hidden Valley Storm Drainage Improvement Project

This project is bordered by Highway I-85 to the north, Cinderella Road to the south, Echo Glen Road to the east, and West Sugar Creek Road to the west.  The drainage system consists of open channel and closed pipe systems underneath city-maintained roads.  This was previously identified as a major capital project from the watershed ranking prioritization process, scoring 73 of 100.  The ranking protocol identifies 18 structures that experience flooding in the 100-year storm event and 7 roads that experience transverse overtopping events that do not meet current standards.  The entire neighborhood has received a patchwork of repairs over the years and a holistic project is needed to cost beneficially address the drainage system issues.