Oneida Sidewalk

This project will provide sidewalk along Oneida Road from Graham Street to Garvis Drive.

Airport North End Around Taxiway (NEAT) Overlook Relocation – Construction

The NEAT Overlook Relocation includes the construction of a new Airport Overlook Drive, installation of a sanitary sewer force main routed along the west side of the new Airport Overlook Drive continuing to a septic field located easterly of the intersection with Old Dowd Road, a 683 square foot restroom building with utility service, a 145-vehicle paved and lighted parking area, a bus/food truck parking area, picnic tables, benches, and an open recreation area within a 4.23 acre fenced site.

Heather/Paddock Sidewalk

This project will install a 5 ft. sidewalk and 8 ft. planting strip along Paddock Circle from Hillside Ave to Heather Lane and on Heather Lane from Paddock Circle to Park Rd.