The scope and purpose of this project is to complete the City’s 1.5-mile segment of the Cross-Charlotte Trail from the southern end of the existing greenway north of Brandywine Rd to where the County’s new segment begins on the north side of Tyvola Rd.
Rozzelles Ferry Pedscape
This project will provide new pedestrian refuge medians, new sidewalk, new wheelchair ramps, landscaping with street trees, drainage improvements, and street resurfacing. Project length is 0.706 Miles.
25th Street
The project limits are from N. Davidson to N. Brevard and will connect 25th Street over Little Sugar Creek via a bridge. It will add curb, gutter, sidewalk, planting strips, street lights, street trees, These improvements will improve accessibility for pedestrians and bicyclists, and by providing vehicular connections to the 25th Street Station.
Southpark Enhanced Crosswalks -Phase 1
This project will install new curb ramps, custom crosswalk striping, and leading pedestrian interval signals at Morrison/Sharon and Sharon/Fairview intersections
Oneida Sidewalk
This project will provide sidewalk along Oneida Road from Graham Street to Garvis Drive.
Airport North End Around Taxiway (NEAT) Overlook Relocation – Construction
The NEAT Overlook Relocation includes the construction of a new Airport Overlook Drive, installation of a sanitary sewer force main routed along the west side of the new Airport Overlook Drive continuing to a septic field located easterly of the intersection with Old Dowd Road, a 683 square foot restroom building with utility service, a 145-vehicle paved and lighted parking area, a bus/food truck parking area, picnic tables, benches, and an open recreation area within a 4.23 acre fenced site.
Heather/Paddock Sidewalk
This project will install a 5 ft. sidewalk and 8 ft. planting strip along Paddock Circle from Hillside Ave to Heather Lane and on Heather Lane from Paddock Circle to Park Rd.