River District Firehouse – Phase 1

Scope Statement: CFD plans to build a temporary firehouse for the newly developed River District to manage response volumes in the area. The firehouse will be located on Dixie River Road, near the future Catawba Crossing, on parcel number 14128101.

The Phase 1 facility will be (1) triple wide trailer to house the firemen and a pre-engineered building to serve as an apparatus bay to house the fire engine and emergency equipment.

This location and site selection meets the City of Charlotte Policy for Sustainable City Facilities and Charlotte Fire Department Facilities Master Plan.

Sardis Road North Sidewalk

This project will provide new sidewalk along Sardis Road North from Sardis Road to westernmost intersection of Rittenhouse Circle and Sardis Road North. Project length = 0.5 miles.

This project will include the following:
6′ Sidewalk
8′ Planting Strips
2′-6″ Curb and Gutter
Street Trees
Concrete Ped Refuge Island (between Kilcullen Dr. and Rittenhouse Circle)
Concrete Bus waiting pads
Retaining Walls
Curb Ramps
Storm Drainage

Sharon Road at Eastburn Road Improvements

This project is located on Sharon Road at Eastburn Road. The project proposes a curve realignment adding a left-turn lane from Sharon Road on to Eastburn Road and removing the superelevation.

CMPD Animal Care and Control Phase 3 Expansion

The purpose of the CMPD Animal Care and Control, Phase 3 Expansion project is primarily to provide additional kennels for dogs and reduce the increasing rate of euthanasia.  Secondly, to provide additional space for other animals and improve the efficiencies of operations for the facility.  The expansion of the facility will possibly be located at 2700 Toomey Avenue and the parcel is currently 4.67 acres. This is the old location for the Animal Humane Society.  We are currently in the advanced planning phase to acquire a schematic design to confirm the estimated construction cost.

The Construction delivery system will be Progressive Design Build. It is also anticipated that the city will acquire an Owner’s Advisor to assist with procurement and additional services during design and construction.

Collective AG Storm Water Drainage Improvement Project

Collective Storm Drainage Improvement Projects Series AG will involve 2 projects throughout the City of Charlotte, 1845 Pinewood Cr and 6009 Rexwood Pl.  1845 Pinewood Cr will consist of reinforced concrete pipe replacement and realignment, CIPP liner, storm drainage structure replacement, full depth asphalt, curb and gutter, concrete driveway, new sanitary sewer pipe and sanitary sewer structures, and new watermain.  6009 Rexwood Pl will consist of reinforced concrete pipe replacement and realignment, CIPP liner, storm drainage structure replacement, full depth asphalt, curb and gutter, and concrete driveway.

Charlotte Fire Station #2 – Addition and Renovations

The work consists of the addition and renovation of an existing fire station. The locker and restroom facilities will be renovated and expanded. Accessibility improvements are planned in various areas throughout the building and site.

Firehouse #11 Replacement

Charlotte Firehouse #11 located at 620 W. 28th Street is one of the older CFD facilities. The building has a pressing need for repair and upgrades. This project will remove and replace the existing firehouse with a facility which meets modern day needs.  The project will produce a new 17,000 SF, 4-bay two-story firehouse.

Sweden Rd Surface Water Quality Improvement project

The project is located at an existing CDOT facility located at 4600 Sweden Rd. The project improvements include the installation of SCMs along the perimeter of the existing parking areas to capture, treat, and reduce runoff discharge pollutants that are contributing to the Sugar Creek watershed in compliance with site NPDES permit requirements.