Tuckaseegee Rd (Little Rock Rd to Westerwood Dr) Sidewalk

This project will fill in gaps in the existing sidewalk system on the south side along Tuckaseegee Road from Little Rock Road to West Mecklenburg High School, and along the north side of Tuckaseegee Road from Burkholder Road to Toddville Road.

Idlewild Road/Rama Road/Monroe Road Intersection

This project will improve the Idlewild Road and Monroe Road intersection to enhance conditions for all users. Improvements will include pavement widening to accommodate dual left turn lanes at all intersection approaches, bike lanes or multi-use paths, pedestrian refuge islands, and new sidewalks.

Airport Tree Clearing

As part of the 4th Parallel Runway project, the Airport will solicit bids for tree clearing, erosion and sediment control. While the final bid package will contain exact line items, it is anticipated for the tree clearing to be roughly 160 acres. The tree clearing will consist of setting perimeter erosion control measures, cutting and hauling off of timber, but will not include any grubbing, clearing or grading.

Elevated Water Storage Tanks (Cancelled)

This project consists of constructing two new elevated storage tanks. The first tank will be called the Woodlawn Tank with a size of 3 MG (million gallons).    The second tank will be called the Sunset Tank with a size of 2 MG (million gallons). There will be waterline work associated to extend the mainlines to the tank site. The construction site will require grading and clearing in preparation of the tank installation.

Hidden Valley Firehouse #45

Design and construct a new 2-story, 3-bay firehouse at 14,626 square feet, to be located at 5800 North Tryon Street. This facility will be a new infill firehouse that will alleviate high call volume for surrounding firehouses. A new firehouse must be built when a new “point of dispatch” is required in order to meet response time standards.  The proposed facility will be located on a 2.03-acre parcel that facilitates the redevelopment of abandoned/underutilized sites and vacant sites. This location and site selection shall meet the City of Charlotte Policy for Sustainable City Facilities and Charlotte Fire Department Facilities Master Plan.

This project will pursue LEED certification. The site will incorporate solar panels and a geothermal well system with water source heat pumps.

Upper Little Sugar Creek Replacement Sewer – Phase 2 and Phase 3 from Bilmark Avenue to Canterwood Drive and 911 Georgetown Storm Drainage Improvement Project (SDIP)

The Project consists of the installation of 250 LF of 8” sewer; 3,060 LF of 16” sewer; 3,100 LF of 18” sewer; 37 manholes; bypass pumping of wastewater; and other related sewer installation/replacement work for the Upper Little Sugar Creek Replacement Sewer Phases 2 and 3 portions. For the 911 Georgetown SDIP, the project consists of the Installation of 394 LF of 5’ X 4’ Precast R.C. Box Culvert; 60 LF of 10’ X 8’ Precast R.C. Box Culvert; 9 masonry drainage structures; and other related storm drainage installation work.

Emergency Cleanup Services

The City is responsible for maintaining a portfolio of approximately 180 buildings, including offices, fire stations, police division offices, and equipment shops, that house various City activities.  The City also maintains cultural facilities, including museums and arenas that serve as venues for sports, entertainment, and other events.  Contracts resulting from this RFP may be used by various City departments for needs across the entire City organization, including the Airport and the Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS).


The Company shall provide Emergency Mitigation Clean-Up Services at various locations as identified by the City.  This work will consist of rapid response for containment, demolition, disposal, drying, cleaning and decontamination as needed per IICRC standards and RIA guidelines on a per-incident basis for water and/or smoke damage.  Services consists of providing all labor, materials, equipment, and supervision for the services as directed by the City’s Project Manager.

Backlot Trail

This project will install a 10-foot asphalt path that connects Park South Drive to Park Road. This will include two pedestrian signals.

DeArmon Road Improvements Project

The DeArmon Road Improvements Project is part of the City of Charlotte’s Prosperity Village Comprehensive Neighborhood Improvement Program.  The project will complete the infrastructure needs in the neighborhood by providing buffered bicycle lanes, median/turning lane, storm drainage, curb & gutter, sidewalk and a greenway passage beneath DeArmon Road for the future extension of Clark’s Creek Greenway.