Belmont Lift Station and Forcemain

Design and construction of a Lift Station and Forcemain to transfer wastewater flows from Belmont to the Charlotte Water sanitary sewer collection system.

Six Mile Creek PS Improvements-Cancelled

The purpose of this project is to eliminate the long shafts between the pumps and motors. Custom motor stands will be built to position the motors over the pumps. The original two motors for this pump station will also be replaced.

Upper Taggart Creek Outfall Replacement

Project includes the construction of approximately 10,200 linear feet of 36, 30, 24, and 18 inch gravity sewer to address capacity concerns in the Upper Taggart Creek Outfall.

Airport North End Around Taxiway (NEAT) Overlook Relocation – Construction

The NEAT Overlook Relocation includes the construction of a new Airport Overlook Drive, installation of a sanitary sewer force main routed along the west side of the new Airport Overlook Drive continuing to a septic field located easterly of the intersection with Old Dowd Road, a 683 square foot restroom building with utility service, a 145-vehicle paved and lighted parking area, a bus/food truck parking area, picnic tables, benches, and an open recreation area within a 4.23 acre fenced site.