Combined with another project
Energy Optimization – Pumping – Cancelled
This project will evaluate all pumping units in the water system.
Brookshire Campus Project – Cancelled
This project reviews the Franklin campus as a working facility for both Charlotte Water office personnel and Treatment Plant Operations.
Large Diameter Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation-Cancelled
This project provides for rehabilitation, repair and replacement of sewers greater than 16-inch in diameter.
Water Distribution System Design and Reliability Improvements-Cancelled
Project provides for water distribution system improvements related to improving system efficiency and reliability.
Sewer Lift Station Force Main Replacement and Rehabilitation – Cancelled
Project will provide pipeline rehabilitation and any needed improvements to the air release valves.
Street and Minor Sewer Main Extension-Cancelled
This contract provides for sewer service extensions to residential customers. Project also provides for extensions when health hazards arise in association with failed septic tanks, demand beyond capacity, or failure of on-site disposal systems.
Street and Minor Water Main Extensions -Cancelled
This contract provides for water service extensions to residential customers and extensions to customers experiencing health risks associated with well water per a City Council approved policy. The purpose of the program is to provide service to new customers.
Long Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant – Cancelled
This project provides for up to 11 million gallons per day (MGD) of capacity at a proposed treatment plant at Long Creek, near the Long Creek pump station.