Project consists of approximately 3,600 linear feet of 8-inch gravity sewer.
East Rocky River Rd to Shearer Rd Davidson Extension 16/12 Water Main Extension – CANCELLED
Water main extension along East Rocky River Road in Davidson; approximately 11,600 LF of 16″ water main; approximately 4200 LF of 12″ from intersection south to 12″ connection on Shearer and Dembridge.
Fuda Creek Trunk Sewer Installation Project – CANCELLED
Project provides for a trunk sewer along the Fuda Creek. Total length of sewer line would be approximately 3,600 linear feet (LF).
McCullough Branch Lift Station Improvements- CANCELLED
This project will provide for the replacement or upgrades of the McCullough Branch Lift Station with a new facility sized to accommodate the build-out conditions of the basin.
Mountain Island Tributary Extension – CANCELLED
This project consists of extending approximately 5,100 linear feet (LF) of 8″ sewer along the Mountain Island tributary .
North Fork of Crooked Creek Trunk Sewer – CANCELLED
This project provides for the design and construction of approximately 2,500 linear feet of 12-inch gravity sewer along the North Fork of Crooked Creek.
Cane Creek Trunk Sewer North Extension
Project will extend approximately 3,000 feet sanitary sewer service to the currently unserved Cane Creek sub-basin.
Mallard Creek Basin Sanitary Sewer Improvements – CANCELLED
CANCEL – This project changed to a phased project with a different title. It was advertised last year under a different name.
This project consists of the design and construction of 22,100 linear feet (LF) of 54″”-84″” pipe to upsize the current Mallard Creek Trunk Sewer line.
Mallard Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant – Expansion and Improvements – Cancelled
This study is necessary to increase treatment capacity of the Mallard Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant to 16 million gallons per day (MGD).