Pleasant Grove Road Sidewalk- Cancelled

This project will construct sidewalk along the south side of Pleasant Grove Road from Hipp Road to Oakdale Elementary School.   This project has been cancelled.

Shade Valley Realignment Project

Construction of a roundabout at the Shade Valley Road/ Oakhurst Commons Drive intersection and installing a 10 to 12 ft. concrete multi-use path along Monroe Road. Amenities include: sidewalk curb & gutter, planting strips, accessible ramps truck apron, pedestrian refuge islands, and a sand filter stormwater detention pond.

Matheson Avenue Bridge Streetscape

This project will incorporate pedestrian, bicycle and bridge improvements on Matheson Avenue from North Tryon Street to Jordan Place. The project will include a westbound one-way bicycle path along the north side of Matheson Avenue and a two- way bicycle path and sidewalk along the south side. Both sides will include a three-foot buffer between the bicycle paths and the road.

Copy of 16th Street Streetscape Phase 2 – DUPLICATE PLEASE ARCHIVE

This project is the second phase of 16th Street Streetscape project. Streetscape improvements include concrete sidewalk and ramps, curb and gutter, storm drainage, erosion control, slope grading work, and installation of a soil nail retaining wall on 16th Street adjacent to the Norfolk Southern parcel, at the northeast corner of N. Tryon Street and 16th Street intersection.

16th Street Streetscape Phase 2

This project is the second phase of 16th Street Streetscape project. Streetscape improvements include concrete sidewalk and ramps, curb and gutter, storm drainage, erosion control, slope grading work, and installation of a soil nail retaining wall on 16th Street adjacent to the Norfolk Southern parcel, at the northeast corner of N. Tryon Street and 16th Street intersection.

Pineville-Matthews Road/Alexander Road Sidewalk Project

This project will add sidewalk along Hwy 51 from Echo Forest Drive (Providence High School) to Alexander Road- and sidewalk on Alexander Road between Hwy 51 and Woodshed Court. The project will also add a right turn and a second left turn lanes on Alexander Road at Hwy 51. Project length= 1.0 mile.

I-85 North Bridge Construction

This project will connect Doug Mayes Place and Research Drive. The connection includes two bridges, one over I-85 and the other over Doby Creek. The bridge over I-85 will include aesthetic elements to create a gateway into Charlotte. The project will also realign the intersection of Research Drive and David Taylor Drive to provide more efficient travel through the intersection.