This project will provide a roundabout at the intersection of Lakeview Road and Reames Road, and a sidewalk on Lakeview Road between Beatties Ford Road and Reames Road. This project is located in the Beatties Ford Road Comprehensive Neighborhood Improvement Program (CNIP) Area.
Kilborne Drive Streetscape
This project will improve Kilborne Drive from the Eastway Drive intersection to just South of Havenwood Road. Improvements include painted buffered bike lanes, sidewalk, ped crossing medians, traffic calming and street trees. Project connects to the Central/Kilborne/Norland project South of Havenwood Road. (Project length= 0.9 miles)
Uptown Cycle Track- 6th St Crossing Gate Construction
Project includes the installation of a crossing gate arm over 6th St. at the Lynx Blue Line in coordination with the 6th St. cycle track currently under construction by the Uptown Cycle Track project.
Dukes Chlorine Dioxide Pipeline – Cancelled
This project is to install a new chlorine dioxide line from the Dukes Water Treatment Plant to the intake. The scope also includes the replacement of the existing chemical piping.
Zone 4 Field Operations Center (Construction Manager-at-Risk)
The proposed Zone 4 project will include a 36,000 sf operations center, approximately 20,000 sf of pre-engineered metal structures to house open storage, crew storage, raw materials bunkers, two (2) combination trucks, fabrication shop, and two (2) fleet maintenance bays. The project will also include demolition of existing facilities in a phased approach so as to minimally impact or impede current operations on the site. The project may also include roadway improvements to West Tyvola Road to increase accessibility to the site.
Rodgers Builders was selected as the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) for this project.
Sweden Road Concrete and Asphalt Pavement Project Phase 2
This project will install new concrete and asphalt pavement improvements at the Fleet Management Sweden Road shop.
Pleasant Grove Road Sidewalk- Cancelled
This project will construct sidewalk along the south side of Pleasant Grove Road from Hipp Road to Oakdale Elementary School. This project has been cancelled.
Shade Valley Realignment Project
Construction of a roundabout at the Shade Valley Road/ Oakhurst Commons Drive intersection and installing a 10 to 12 ft. concrete multi-use path along Monroe Road. Amenities include: sidewalk curb & gutter, planting strips, accessible ramps truck apron, pedestrian refuge islands, and a sand filter stormwater detention pond.
Sharon Road Sidewalk CANCELLED
This project will install sidewalk along the west side of Sharon Road from Bramwyck Drive to Chandworth Road.