Roofing Replacement of various Water Treatment Plants and Lift Stations. The Project consists of replacing roofing systems at Sharon Repump Station, Hoskins Booster Pump Station, and Plaza Booster Pump Station, as well as removing existing skylight and install clerestory and roof structure at Plaza Booster Pump Station and replacing the skylight at Idlewild Booster Pump Station. complete tear-off of the existing roof down to the substrate. Minor mechanical and electrical relocations and re-hook-ups are required.
Specialized Roadway Construction Services FY22D
This unspecified contract will provide horizontal construction services on an as-needed basis to the Engineering Department. The work includes traffic control, erosion control, clearing and grading, drainage, milling, asphalt paving, pavement markings, retaining wall, concrete curb, sidewalk, driveways, pedestrian refuge island and wheelchair ramps, utility relocation and installations.
Specialized Roadway Construction FY22C
This unspecified contract will provide horizontal construction services on an as-needed basis to the Engineering Department. The work includes traffic control, erosion control, clearing and grading, drainage, milling, asphalt paving, pavement markings, retaining wall, concrete curb, sidewalk, driveways, pedestrian refuge island and wheelchair ramps, utility relocation and installations.
Specialized Roadway Construction Services FY22A
This unspecified contract will provide horizontal construction services on an as-needed basis to the Engineering Department. The work includes traffic control, erosion control, clearing and grading, drainage, milling, asphalt paving, pavement markings, retaining wall, concrete curb, sidewalk, driveways, pedestrian refuge island, and wheelchair ramps.
I-277 Rail Trail Bridge – Construction
This project will construct a pedestrian bridge over I-277 to connect South End to Uptown. The bridge will be located just west of the existing light rail bridge and will include aesthetic elements to create a signature design. It will also include a new pedestrian rail crossing on the Morehead landing area and will tie the Stonewall plaza into the existing light rail platform.
McAlpine Low Lift Pump Station Improvements
This project consists of the replacement of low lift station pump check valves. The project will also include filter improvements and non-potable water upgrades, electrical updates, and a sluice gate replacement.
Overflow Lots 1 & 2 Asphalt Patching (Construction)
This project will consist of Asphalt Patching in Overflow Parking for Lots 1 & 2.:
1. Approximately 7,500 square feet of asphalt patching at 2” depth per NCDOT Standards
2. Approximately 3,200 square feet of asphalt patching at 10.5” depth per standard below.
Compact 6” ABC stone will be included, as needed, estimated at 100 tons.
These areas will be identified/confirmed on site prior to commencement of work. Parking lots will be empty and clear of vehicles during this work.
FY22 New Construction Services Miscellaneous Contract #1
This solicitation will provide for ongoing construction services for the installation of large water and sewer services as requested for commercial/residential use. The work also includes opportunities for installation of short street main extensions (< 100′), fire hydrant relocations and dismantlements as related to new requests.
FY22 New Services Miscellaneous Contract #2 – CANCELLED
Ongoing contract for installation of large water and sewer services as requested for commercial/residential use. Also includes opportunities for short street main extensions (< 100′), fire hydrant relocations and dismantlements as related to new requests