The existing pipes at the intersection of N Davidson St and 27th St were determined to be in very poor condition. This project will replace the existing three (3) pipes with one (1) large RCP culvert from the intersection of 27th St and N Davidson St, to the headwall located on the north side of N Davison St. |
FY23 Small Diameter Water/Sewer Contract #1
This contract is for water and sanitary sewer service installations including connection to the existing public main, which extends a small diameter line to the property, and includes a water meter box or sanitary sewer cleanout. Customers pay connection fees for the installation service, which is based on costs incurred by Charlotte Water in these contracts. The work covered by this contract will provide approximately 800 total services.
FY23 Small Diameter Water/Sewer Service Contract #2
This contract is for water and sanitary sewer service installations including connection to the existing public main, which extends a small diameter line to the property. Additionally, a water meter box or sanitary sewer cleanout is included. Customers pay connection fees for the installation service, which is based on costs incurred by Charlotte Water in these contracts. The work covered by this contract will provide approximately 800 total services.
Can Lift Stations Phase III-CANCELLED
Rehabilitation of wastewater pumping stations. Includes replacement of submersible pumps and pump controls. Makes improvements to flow metering and SCADA systems.
5/13 consolidated with Lift Station Improvements Phrase III.
FY23 Professional Engineering and Land Survey Services for Watermain and Sanitary Sewer Street Main Design/Extensions Contract #1 – CANCELLED
This contract is for professional services in support of the Design and Construction Division. These contracts will allow Design and Construction to assist with LCR projects which typically require a longer and more complicated design process which in turn is more costly. Examples of reasons for increased cost in LCR projects versus typical street main extensions would be the need for geotechnical investigation or wetlands investigation and permitting.
FY23 Professional Engineering and Land Survey Services for Watermain and Sanitary Sewer Street Main Design/Extensions Contract #3 – CANCELLED
This contract is for professional services in support of the Design and Construction Division. These contracts will allow Design and Construction to assist with LCR projects which typically require a longer and more complicated design process which in turn is more costly. Examples of reasons for increased cost in LCR projects versus typical street main extensions would be the need for geotechnical investigation or wetlands investigation and permitting.
FY23 Professional Engineering and Land Survey Services for Watermain and Sanitary Sewer Street Main Design/Extensions Contract #2 – CANCELLED
This contract is for professional services in support of the Design and Construction Division. These contracts will allow Design and Construction to assist with LCR projects which typically require a longer and more complicated design process which in turn is more costly. Examples of reasons for increased cost in LCR projects versus typical street main extensions would be the need for geotechnical investigation or wetlands investigation and permitting.
Briar Creek-Green Oaks Storm Drainage Improvement Project
The Briar Creek/Green Oaks Storm Drainage Improvement Project will replace failing infrastructure within an existing City Storm Water easement. Current failures of the existing culvert pose a threat to residents, vehicle traffic, and apartment homes. This project will replace, rehabilitate, and relocate the drainage system to ensure public safety within the easement. |
Birmingham 6317 Storm Drain Improvement Project
The need for this construction project is to improve the storm drainage infrastructure (i.e. pipe systems and culverts) to reduce flooding and to enhance degraded stream reaches to reduce erosion and improve water quality. This project is under review. Location and project details will be provided after the review is complete.