Delane Ave 1220 Storm Drainage Improvement Project

The Delane Ave 1220 storm drainage improvement project will make drainage improvements along Delane Ave from Wright Ave to approximately 80 ft past Castleton Rd.  Drainage and water line improvements will be made along Castleton Rd from Delane Ave to Lomax Ave.  Improvements will consist of new drainage structure, new pipe alignments, curb and gutter along Delane Ave, and the extension of a 6” water line down Castleton Rd.


Collective AB Storm Drainage Improvement Project

Work performed under this contract will consist of storm water infrastructure repair and improvement projects within the city limits of Charlotte, NC.  Work will involve mobilization, earthwork, drainage structures, storm drain pipe systems, channels, working over, under, near, and around existing private utilities, asphalt paving, concrete flatwork, and landscaping and any associated work required by the Engineer. Other work may include structural foundation protection, storm water pipe lining, storm water pipe joint and structure repair, water and sewer (relocations, installations and adjustments).  Storm Water maintenance work may be located entirely within or a combination of the street right-of-way, private, residential, and commercial properties.

Craighead/Tryon Storm Drainage Improvement Project

The Craighead/Tryon Storm Drainage Improvement Project is bordered by Glory Street to the north, Little Sugar Creek to the south, Sugar Creek Road to the east and Craighead Road to the west. The existing drainage system consists of pipe system under city-maintained road, state-maintained road, and private property. The improvements include pipe system upgrades.

Franklin Water Treatment Plant Building Renovation-CANCELLED

The proposed project will fund renovation of Franklin Water Treatment Plant Main Building. It provides 85% of the potable water produced and is need of major renovations such as HVAC, plumbing, process lab, building offices and parts storage for water treatment. Major architectural renovations such as curtainwall and windows are included. Rearrangement of space for laboratories, parts storage, office space, and records storage.

Cancelled as of 11/7/2024

Firehouse #30 Replacement

Firehouse #30, currently located at 4707 Belle-Oaks Drive, near Charlotte Douglas Airport, is currently located in a house built in 1955 and needs extensive renovations. The facility is the only firehouse where crews must leave their living quarters to access their apparatus, as a result, in impacting response time.

Firehouse #30 design services with the use of Advance Planning funds will be utilized to build a replacement 3-bay 2-story firehouse to manage response volumes in the Beam Road/Airport area. The new facility will be approximately 14,000 square feet. The building will be located at 3019 Beam Road, directly across from the Police and Fire Academy, and the parcel ID number is 141-24-104. It is located in Council District 3. The firehouse design will be the same floor plan design as Hidden Valley Firehouse #45 (HVFH#45).  This project is also designated to be an all-electric firehouse and additional scope will be added.

Field Operations Pipeline Rehabilitation Construction-CANCELLED

This bid package is a collection of projects to increase potable water system reliability and replace aging infrastructure. Work consists of approximately 15,000 linear feet of potable water line construction for 2, 6, 8-inch pipe, and associated repair or replacement of asphalt pavement, concrete sidewalk, curb ramps, curb & gutter, and minor lawn/landscape restoration, primarily within CDOT and NCDOT right-of-way.

Cancelled as of 10/21/2024

CATS Owner Representative for Charlotte Transportation Center (CTC) Redevelopment Project

The CATS Owner’s Representative will provide design oversight for the Charlotte Transportation Center (CTC) Redevelopment Project to be designed and constructed by others. The Owner’s Representative will ensure and support compliance with City and CATS policies, design standards and principles, budget and scheduling, as well as conformance to safety and security guidelines for up to 72 months. The CTC Redevelopment Project is a multi-phase, mixed use development funded through a public-private partnership.

PSR # 1496

Gaynelle Storm Drainage Improvement Project

This project is located on Gaynelle Drive between Langley Circle and Running Wood Lane. The existing drainage system consists of open channel and a culvert under a city-maintained road. The culvert system is experiencing blockages and is prone to flooding. This project consists of replacing 60 LF of existing 72” X 85” CMP with 60 LF of a 11’X5’ RCBC.

Collective T Storm Drainage Improvement Project

Collective Storm Drainage Improvement Project (SDIP) Series T contains five separate storm water infrastructure repair and improvement projects within the city limits of Charlotte, NC. Work will involve mobilization, earthwork,
drainage structures (standard and non-standard), storm drainpipe systems, working over, under, near, and around existing private utilities, asphalt paving, concrete flatwork, water and sewer (relocations, installations and adjustments), foundation protection and any other associated work required by the Engineer. Storm Water maintenance work may be located entirely within or a combination of the street right-of-way, private, residential and commercial properties.