This will be for a construction contract utilized for sanitary sewer rehab and repairs. Work will be focused on failed or failing sanitary sewer collection system assets. Work performed for this contract will help prevent future sanitary sewer overflows.
this opportunity was archived earlier
This contract will be for the construction of an undetermined number of street mains extensions and miscellaneous infrastructure projects. This contract will also provide construction assistance on an as needed basis for other capital projects. This contract will cover Charlotte Water’s entire service area.
Cancelled as of 3/25/2024.
This solicitation will be for the construction of an undetermined number of street main extensions and miscellaneous infrastructure projects. This contract will also provide construction assistance on an as-needed basis for other capital projects. This contract will cover Charlotte Water’s entire service area.
Cancelled as of 3/25
Charlotte Water will be requesting submittals from qualified firms interested in providing miscellaneous geotechnical and environmental services on an as-needed basis. Charlotte Water’s Engineering division frequently manages projects that benefit from the use of on-call geotechnical and/or environmental testing and/or evaluation services during the design or construction stages. Firms will have to indicate whether they would like to be considered for miscellaneous Geotechnical Services, Environmental Services or both.
This opportunity has been cancelled as of 1/18/2024.
Project of approximately 16,000 Linear Feet of 36 inch water main along Albemarle Rd. This project improves the water transmission capacity in the 960 pipe zone. Project is in final design, permitting and easement acquisition.
5/13 cancelled due to project schedule reprioritization.
This construction will improve site conditions at the Zone 3 Field Operation facility. Construction work will include stormwater settling basins, stormwater conveyance, and various site improvements. The design is already complete.
The interior renovation within the CLT Center (Operations Center) to include new office space for a tech help suite, conference room, video editing room, and cell phone tech office. The project consists of approximately 2,500 sf and will be built in two (2) phases.
Provides for rehabilitation of Preliminary and Primary Treatment Facilities. Facilities generally include headworks, flow equalization basins, primary clarifiers, and gravity thickeners. A facilities evaluation, conducted by the design team, will determine the final scope of work.
this opportunity was archived earlier