This project is associated with the Airport’s 4th Parallel Runway Project. West Boulevard will need to be relocated to Piney Top Drive and Byrum Drive in order to create space for the 4th Parallel Runway and South End-Around Taxiway. Intersection improvements and roadway widening will occur at various locations along the corridor.
The final Engineer of Record will start their services at 30%, by utilizing preliminary plans from the Master Civil Engineer
This program includes the planning, design, and construction of a 10,000-foot parallel runway and associated taxiway system to include the North End Around Taxiway Phase II and South End Around Taxiway. The 2016 Airport Capacity Enhancement Plan and 2018 FAA-approved forecast show the need for an additional runway at CLT. This runway will replace the existing crosswind runway and enhance capacity as the parallel configuration will provide greater operational benefit for more efficient air traffic flow in and out of CLT.
The Final Engineer of Record will start their services at 30%, by utilizing preliminary plans from the Master Civil Engineer. CLT may select multiple engineering firms to work on the various aforementioned project elements.
The purpose of Zone 2 Water Replacement Package project is to expand Charlotte Water’s ongoing water replacement program by expediting the replacement of older water mains that are of pipe materials known to have a high likelihood of failure. Through research of main break data, a group of neighborhoods have been identified with a high concentration of these water mains made from these pipe materials. This project will focus on the replacement of the galvanized steel pipe (GSP) and asbestos cement pipe (ACP) within the project area but will consider other mains within the scope areas as well if deemed necessary. For this project, Charlotte Water staff believes the Progressive Design-Build delivery method will be best.
This project will update the 2015 Water Master Plan. Charlotte Water seeks the services of a qualified engineering firm to perform a comprehensive Master Plan of the water supply and distribution system in the City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County, develop a prioritized Capital Investment Plan and provide a continuous improvement plan.
For the supplemental design and project assistance in the completion of miscellaneous water and sewer projects. Services will be needed for an undetermined number of individual street main projects, of varying length, throughout Charlotte Water service area. (PS) Professional Services
Professional service contracts for various storm drainage improvement projects
This project will install a new pedestrian crossing that will connect the current Stewart Creek Greenway to the proposed Stewart Creek Greenway along State Street. Signs and high visible markings will be installed. The project length is 120 feet.