Charlotte Water, a Department of the City of Charlotte NC, will be advertising a Request for Proposals (RFP) to acquire an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system and related products, software, and services (collectively, the “System”), for all of its approximately 325,000 water meters. Charlotte Water is issuing a separate RFP for the labor to install the AMI system. Charlotte Water intends for the successful vendor of this solicitation to be the prime contractor for the entire project to install an AMI system, utilizing the successful proposer of the AMI Installation RFP as a sub-contractor under one agreement with Charlotte Water. This will allow Charlotte Water to evaluate AMI Vendors separate from Installation Companies and make selections of the Vendor and the Installer independently.
The basic components of the System sought by Charlotte Water include the following:
- Water meters equipped with AMI meter interface units (MIUs) to replace all existing residential water meters
- Meter interface units, or “MIUs” capable of encoding, storing and transmitting meter reading and other data, such as tampering alerts
- A Charlotte Water-dedicated network or non-Charlotte Water-dedicated communications service to collect and transport meter reading and other information from the MIUs to a Head End System (HES)
- Handheld devices and software necessary to program and/or initialize the MIUs
- HES to collect, store, and manage the data which is delivered through the network
- A meter data management system (MDMS) that can store meter reads and consumption data and allow that data to be queried, exported and summarized, and from which standard reports can be generated
- A customer web portal to display interval consumption data and other meter-related information
- The design, installation and testing of information interfaces between the AMI system’s software components and Charlotte Water’s customer information system (CIS) and other systems, such as its field work order system
- All related documentation, including technical manuals and operating procedures
- Training of Charlotte Water’s employees in MIU maintenance, diagnosis and troubleshooting, as well as system use, operation and maintenance
- Shipping and managing the inventory of AMI equipment during the course of project deployment
- Where appropriate, installation of fixed data collection units, including the communications links between those collection units and the HES
- Provision of all necessary radio licenses, firmware, third party software or operating systems to ensure a complete and working system
- Satisfactory testing of all software, hardware and procedures prior to the deployment of the system according to the system testing and acceptance process set forth in the contract, and satisfactory testing of system performance at the completion of the project or at major milestones
Technology solutions to assist the Charlotte team in creating a digital inventory of the Uptown Charlotte curbs and deploying intelligent sensor-based infrastructure to assess curb usage and demands.
Curbside Management technology solutions to assist in creating a digital inventory of the Uptown Charlotte curb, analyze and monitor the curb, and/or deploy intelligent sensor-based infrastructure to assess curb usage and demands.
Handheld license plate recognition device and associated software to automatically capture license plate information and associated data to determine compliance with paid or permitted parking.
CANCELED– ARPA Digital Inclusion work of connecting residents with digital literacy upskilling and computer devices. This will be a grant process where small, mostly non profit, organizations will apply for funds to support.
CLT Airport is seeking a company to provide Flight Tracking System (FTS) Services for the purpose of tracking noise complaints and ensuring that flights are maintaining approved flight tracks. The selected company shall provide all necessary equipment, software, training, and support services necessary to deliver Flight Tracking System (FTS) Services to the airport.
This project will upgrade the existing meter reading system to a self-reporting network and replace end of life residential meters. Existing communication endpoints not compatible with the network selected will be replaced. Most residential meters will be replaced; those meters not replaced will require a replacement register compatible with the new endpoints. Commercial meters will receive replacement registers or be replace, depending on compatibility with the selected network solution. The communication network, hourly interval data and customer access portal will improve customer experience, increase billing efficiency and accuracy, reduce system losses and operational expenses, and improve system monitoring and planning.
The Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) manages a Public Address (PA) System, comprised of AtlasIED hardware and software, to provide audible messages for regulatory requirements and flight information. The current PA system provides messaging throughout the CLT main terminal that includes a ticket lobby, baggage claim, atrium, food court, and 5 concourses for a total of 115 gates. The CLT terminal building PA System provides messaging to the entire terminal building, specific zones, or gate holding areas for passengers. Scheduled messages and live paging are managed by AtlasIED controllers and GCK software. PA System equipment is connected via TCP/IP network infrastructure managed by the CLT Technology Team. All AtlasIED equipment currently in use at CLT supports COBRANET audio format.
The term of the Contract shall be for three (3) years with two (2) optional one-year.
The scope of this contract shall be to provide ADA Assessment and Remediation Services on Digital Assets for the City of Charlotte.
The City of Charlotte is interested in partnering with qualified companies capable of digital asset assessment and remediation (e.g., websites, web apps, mobile apps, kiosks, public information display systems, etc.) for the purpose of citizen and employee accessibility, and accessibility by anyone with a disability pursuant to the American Disabilities Act (ADA) (42 U.S.C. Ch. 126 – 12-101 et seq).