Installation of auto flushers, zone boundary bypass assemblies, and other water quality improvement installations.
Chandworth Storm Drainage Improvement Project
Storm Drainage Improvement Project. The purpose and need for the Project is to improve the storm drainage infrastructure (i.e. pipe systems and culverts) to reduce flooding and to enhance degraded stream reaches to reduce erosion and improve water quality.
Fiscal Year 2020, Water/Sewer infrastructure Construction – Contract 1
This project consists of an undetermined number of individual projects consisting of water and/or sewer extensions, water and/or sewer replacements, low pressure sanitary sewer, water distribution system reliability improvement projects, and/or sanitary sewer capacity assurance projects, which will be assigned by the Project Engineer.
New Service Installation Water – Cancelled
Combined with another project
Energy Optimization – Pumping – Cancelled
This project will evaluate all pumping units in the water system.
Cross Charlotte Trail (XCLT)− Brandywine to Tyvola
The scope and purpose of this project is to complete the City’s 1.5-mile segment of the Cross-Charlotte Trail from the southern end of the existing greenway north of Brandywine Rd to where the County’s new segment begins on the north side of Tyvola Rd.
Fire Station 43
New Fire Station
NE Equipment Yard
New Maintenance Facility
Brookshire Campus Project – Cancelled
This project reviews the Franklin campus as a working facility for both Charlotte Water office personnel and Treatment Plant Operations.