Storm Drainage Improvement Project
Shadyview Drive Storm Drainage Improvement Project
Storm Drainage Improvement Project. The purpose and need for the Project is to improve the storm drainage infrastructure (i.e. pipe systems and culverts) to reduce flooding and to enhance degraded stream reaches to reduce erosion and improve water quality.
7259 Point Lake Drive Storm Drainage Improvement Project
Storm Drainage Improvement Project. The purpose and need for the Project is to improve the storm drainage infrastructure (i.e. pipe systems and culverts) to reduce flooding and to enhance degraded stream reaches to reduce erosion and improve water quality.
City View Stream Repairs (Cancelled)
Repair of Previous Stream restoration
McAlpine SR2 and SR3 Stream Repairs – CANCELLED
The purpose of the project is to repair approximately 700 linear feet of stream restoration between 2 different tributaries. Failing structure will be replaced or repaired such that they function as originally intended. Repairs will be performed with minimal disturbance to buffer vegetation and vegetation of appropriate size will be re-established after repairs are completed. Repairs will include but not limited to, removing and resetting boulders and logs for in-stream structures and adding or repairing constructed riffles.
This will not be bid
Alanhurst/Cherrycrest Storm Drainage Improvement Project
Storm Drainage Improvement Project
Ashley Road Sidewalk
This project will construct sidewalk along the east side of Ashley Rd from Greenland Ave. to Alleghany St. The scope for this project will include an 8’ planting strip where feasible and 6’ sidewalk, driveway improvements, wheelchair ramps and minor curb adjustments to eliminate pinch points for bike lanes.
Brief Road Water Main Extension – CANCELLED
This project is located in Mint Hill. It includes extending the water main along Brief Road using approximately 8,700 feet of 12 inch water main.
Campus Ridge Road Gravity Sewer Project – CANCELLED
This project provides for the design and construction of approximately 3,000 feet of 12-inch gravity sewer to server Campus Ridge Road in South Charlotte.