This project will install approximately 2.1 miles of 24 count single‐mode fiber optic cable installed in new directionally bored, hand dug and trenched conduit, existing conduit and aerial attachments to poles. This project includes entrances and interconnect equipment for eight existing traffic control cabinets and the installation of six traffic management cameras. The project limits are S Tryon Street beginning at West Boulevard to Clanton Road and then along Clanton Road to Barringer Drive. This project also includes fiber splicing, testing, Ethernet equipment communications, traffic management cameras and equipment and other related activities.
Flintridge Dr (2831) Storm Drainage Improvement Project
The purpose and need for this construction project is to improve the storm drainage infrastructure (i.e. pipe systems and culverts) to reduce flooding and to enhance degraded stream reaches to reduce erosion and improve water quality. This project is under review. Location and project details will be provided after review is complete.
6th and Graham Storm Drainage Improvement Project
The purpose and need for this construction project is to improve the storm drainage infrastructure (i.e. pipe systems and culverts) to reduce flooding and to enhance degraded stream reaches to reduce erosion and improve water quality. This project is under review. Location and project details will be provided after review is complete.
Edgewater/Rosecrest Storm Drainage Improvement Project
The purpose and need for this construction project is to improve the storm drainage infrastructure (i.e. pipe systems and culverts) to reduce flooding and to enhance degraded stream reaches to reduce erosion and improve water quality. This project is under review. Location and project details will be provided after review is complete.
Dobson Dr (832) Storm Drainage Improvement Project
The purpose and need for this construction project is to improve the storm drainage infrastructure (i.e. pipe systems and culverts) to reduce flooding and to enhance degraded stream reaches to reduce erosion and improve water quality. This project is under review. Location and project details will be provided after review is complete.
Pebblestone Storm Drainage Improvement Project
Pebblestone Storm Drainage Improvement Project consist of channel stabilization and a parking lot rebuilt. The improvements will include approximately 250 linear feet of bank hard stabilization and 170 linear feet of bank soft stabilization. In addition to the channel stabilization, sanitary sewer improvements are required. 180 linear feet of 10-inch and 32 linear feet of 16-inch ductile iron restrained joint sanitary sewer pipe. 180 linear feet of 16-inch and 20 linear feet of 24-inch steel encasement pipe.
Cancelled- Thorncliff Drive (7316) Storm Drainage Improvement Project
The purpose and need for the construction project are to improve the storm drainage infrastructure (i.e. pipe systems and culverts) to reduce flooding and to enhance degraded stream reaches to reduce erosion and improve water quality. This project is under review. Location and project details will be provided after the review is complete.
Hill Street Storm Drainage Improvement Project
The storm drainage improvement project is for the area in and around Hill Street. The construction project boundaries are Tryon Street to the southeast, Trade Street to the northeast, South Cedar Street and West 1st Street to the north, and Palmer Street to the southwest. The project includes storm drainage improvements that reduce house and street flooding or will repair failing infrastructure.
N Church St (901) Storm Drainage Improvement Project – CANCELLED
This project will be constructed through a STW unspecified contract eliminating the need for the project to go out for bid.
The purpose and need for the construction project is to improve the storm drainage infrastructure (i.e. pipe systems and culverts) to reduce flooding and to enhance degraded stream reaches to reduce erosion and improve water quality.