The Morning Dale Storm Drainage Improvement Project will reduce street and structure flooding throughout the neighborhood. Located within a drainage area of approximately 560 acres, the project will replace and/or rehabilitate aging infrastructure and provide adequate drainage system capacity. This project area is bordered by Hinson Drive to the north, Stratfordshire Drive to the south, Tadlock Place to the east and Morning Dale Road to the west.
Specialized Roadway Construction Services FY25B
This unspecified contract will provide horizontal construction services on an as-needed basis to the General Services Department. The work includes: traffic control; erosion control; clearing and grading; drainage; milling; asphalt paving; pavement markings; retaining wall; concrete curb, sidewalk, and driveways; pedestrian refuge island, and wheelchair ramps; utility relocation and installations; and related activities.
Specialized Roadway Construction Services FY25C
This unspecified contract will provide horizontal construction services on an as-needed basis to the General Services Department. The work includes: traffic control; erosion control; clearing and grading; drainage; milling; asphalt paving; pavement markings; retaining wall; concrete curb, sidewalk, and driveways; pedestrian refuge island, and wheelchair ramps; utility relocation and installations; and related activities.
McDowell Creek WRRF Primary Clarifier Mechanism Replacement-CANCELLED
The project involves the procurement of a new primary clarifier mechanism to replace the existing mechanism in Primary Clarifier #5 at the McDowell Creek Water Resource Recovery Facility. This replacement aims to improve the performance and reliability of the primary clarifier, ensuring that it meets current operational standards.
Duplicate entry of McDowell Creek WRRF Clarifier Mechanism, cancelled 11/14
Service Water Improvements and Flow Meter Modifications
This project includes significant improvements to the existing service water system at the Franklin Water Treatment Plant. The scope of work involves the replacement of existing pumps, piping, valves, and backflow devices within the service water system. Additionally, new flow meters will be installed on the Franklin Water Treatment Plant service water system, while existing flow meters on the filter effluent lines at the Lee S. Dukes Water Treatment Plant will also be replaced. These upgrades are expected to enhance the accuracy of flow measurements and improve the efficiency of the service water system.
Sugar Creek Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection System Upgrades
This project involves the replacement of the existing ultraviolet disinfection system at the Sugar Creek Water Resource Recovery Facility. The scope of work includes upgrading the UV disinfection system while utilizing the existing UV channels, extending these channels, and replacing the current level control gates with fixed finger weirs. A new non-potable water (NPW) pump station wet well will be added, and the drain valve of the East Equalization Basin will be replaced. During this upgrade, a temporary disinfection system will be provided to maintain disinfection while the UV system is out of service. Additionally, two existing NPW pumps will be relocated, and three NPW pumps will be replaced in kind. The Filter Backwash Return Pump wet well work will include the installation of a backwash return pump, the necessary piping and valves, and the replacement of a flow meter.
Specialized Roadway Construction Services FY25A
This unspecified contract will provide horizontal construction services on an as-needed basis to the General Services Department. The work includes: traffic control; erosion control; clearing and grading; drainage; milling; asphalt paving; pavement markings; retaining wall; concrete curb, sidewalk, and driveways; pedestrian refuge island, and wheelchair ramps; utility relocation and installations; and related activities.
CLT Medic Space Upfit
An existing space within Charlotte Douglas International Airport, located just off the connector on the Ticketing Level between Concourse A and Concourse A Phase 1, is being renovated to support a new MEDIC Breakroom. The space to be renovated has a combination of rubber tile floor/terrazzo, painted drywall, roll-up door, and acoustical tile ceilings. The new space will have kitchenette millwork with a sink, storeroom with shelving, new porcelain tile ADA restroom with sink, toilet, shower and associated plumbing, electrical and data outlets, new lighting, new water heater and new ductwork. The majority of the work will be performed on Ticketing Level within Security Identification Display Area (SIDA). Some plumbing and data work will be performed from Ramp Level within SIDA adjacent and above a baggage handling system makeup carousel.
Lawyers Rd SW (Harri Ann to Chestnut)
The scope of this project will include 0.34 miles of new 6ft wide concrete sidewalk, driveway improvements, and wheelchair ramps on Lawyers Rd from Chestnut Lake Dr to Harri Ann Dr.