Firehouse #11 Replacement

Charlotte Firehouse #11 located at 620 W. 28th Street is one of the older CFD facilities. The building has a pressing need for repair and upgrades. This project will remove and replace the existing firehouse with a facility which meets modern day needs.  The project will produce a new 17,000 SF, 4-bay two-story firehouse.

4th Parallel Runway Package 2: Runway

As part of the Fourth Parallel Runway Program at CLT, this construction package will include the construction of new Runway 1C-19C and its connector taxiways.  The project includes erosion and sedimentation control, grading, drainage, fencing, vehicle service roads, miscellaneous utilities, airfield concrete and asphalt paving, marking, airfield lighting/signage, and approach lighting infrastructure.

Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Facility (ARFF)

This project will construct a new Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Facility (ARFF) at Charlotte Douglas International Airport.  The facility will be constructed in a green field site within the airfield.  The general scope of the project includes site preparation (grading and drainage), building construction, HVAC, plumbing, asphalt parking lot and roadway paving, electrical, and associated utilities.

4th Parallel Runway Package 3: Parallel Taxiway and NAVAIDS

As part of the Fourth Parallel Runway Program at CLT, this construction package will include the new West Parallel Taxiway and its connector taxiways.  The project includes erosion and sedimentation control, grading, drainage, airfield concrete and asphalt paving, fencing marking, and airfield lighting/signage.

To support CLT’s Fourth Parallel Runway Program, this project will also include the installation of Navigational Aids (NAVAIDs) for the new Fourth Parallel Runway. To support the new Runway 1C-19C, the project requires construction of glide slope, localizer, approach lighting systems, and all associated support structures, access roads, and infrastructure.  The general scope of this bid package includes demolition, erosion and sedimentation control, grading, drainage, airfield electrical, vehicle service roads, and utilities.

North End-Around Taxiway (NEAT) Extension

The Fourth Parallel Runway Program – North End-Around Taxiway (NEAT) Extension – Volume I includes the construction of 75 feet wide x 5,300 feet long new taxiway with two connector taxiways. Primary work elements include 18-inch Portland cement concrete pavement; cement-treated base course; crushed aggregate base course; asphalt shoulders; pavement markings; mass grading; 15” – 84” drainage pipes; cast-in-place and pre-cast structures; underdrains; airfield electrical including duct banks, cabling, lighting, and signage; erosion control; asphalt service roads; and fencing. The project also includes Stockpile Site – Volume II. Primary work elements include pavement, slab on grade, and foundation demolition; building demolition; utility removal; asphalt roadway; waterline installation; mass grading; erosion control; and fencing.

South End-Around Taxiway (SEAT)

As part of the Fourth Parallel Runway Program at CLT, an end-around taxiway is required at the south end of new Runway 1C-19C and existing Runway 18C-36C.  This project will construct the South End-Around Taxiway (SEAT).  The project includes erosion and sedimentation control, grading, drainage, retaining wall construction, airfield concrete and asphalt paving, marking, and airfield lighting/signage to construct the SEAT. The new taxiway will meet FAA Taxiway Design Group (TDG) 5 requirements.

Charlotte Fire Station #37 HVAC & Plumbing Equipment Replacement

This project includes HVAC and Plumbing equipment replacements for Charlotte Fire Station #37, located at 13828 South Tryon St, Charlotte, NC 28278. The scope of work includes replacing five (5) roof top air conditioning units with gas heating, one (1) roof mounted energy recovery ventilator, two (2) gas fired water heaters, and related updates to power and controls for all roof top equipment and interior VVT zone dampers. All work is to be completed in a manner to allow Charlotte Fire to maintain full access and use of the facility during the entire scope of the project.

Concrete Slab Joint Seal – Project Cancelled

Concrete expansion joints are cuts in concrete slabs, or the joints between walls and concrete slabs, that go completely through the slab to the base material. The purpose of an expansion joint is to allow the concrete slab to expand and contract with temperatures changes, without cracking the slab. Expansion joints must be sealed with a flexible sealant, to prevent water from penetrating the joint and deteriorating the sub-base.

Sweden Rd Surface Water Quality Improvement project

The project is located at an existing CDOT facility located at 4600 Sweden Rd. The project improvements include the installation of SCMs along the perimeter of the existing parking areas to capture, treat, and reduce runoff discharge pollutants that are contributing to the Sugar Creek watershed in compliance with site NPDES permit requirements.