Land Development Consultant Services

The Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT), a City of Charlotte department, is diversifying its revenue through the development of Airport-controlled property not required for aeronautical purposes. To that end, CLT seeks a land development consultant to advise its commercial development strategy for multiple landside parcels in its landholdings. CLT will seek land leases for commercial development to be awarded via a public process with advisement from the land development consultant.

Planning and Watershed Modeling

Scope of work is to coordinate with and assist City of Charlotte Storm Water Services Staff to provide project prioritization and watershed modeling services for the City’s drainage system. Storm drainage systems convey rainwater to reduce flooding, protect property, and ensure public safety. The City of Charlotte Storm Water Services is responsible for smaller streams and man-made drainage systems draining less than one square mile.

Asset Management and Long-Term Planning Services

Storm Water Services is seeking a firm to coordinate with and assist Storm Water Services Staff to develop, support and implement asset management and long-term planning services for the City’s drainage system. Storm drainage systems convey rainwater to reduce flooding, protect property, and ensure public safety. Storm Water Services is responsible for smaller streams and manmade drainage systems draining less than one square.



Parts Washer Scheduled Preventative Maintenance and Repair

CATS Bus Operations Department is requesting a five (5) year contract for scheduled maintenance of the parts washers. Charlotte Area Transit System is requesting proposals for PM services for our parts washers. CATS uses multiple parts washers between two facilities.  The facilities are located at: 3145 South Tryon Charlotte, NC and 900 North Davidson Charlotte, NC.

PSR 956, PSR 1103

Concourse E Public Areas Renovations (Architectural Design Services)

The project consists of renovations of the public areas of Concourse E, including concourse circulation areas, hold rooms, and toilet rooms.
Items specifically included in the public area renovations are as follows:

• New carpet in the hold rooms, New terrazzo in circulation corridors and toilet rooms
• Complete renovation of all existing toilet rooms
• New general lighting and accent lighting
• Fire protection in selected areas
• Electrical modifications, including powered seating
• New signage and wayfinding to align with current CLT standards
• Replacement of Air Handling Units

Special Inspection & Material Testing

Pursuant to this Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”), Charlotte Douglas International Airport (“CLT” or “Airport”), which is owned and operated by the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, is seeking statement of qualifications (“SOQ”) from qualified and experienced firms (individually or collectively, the “Firm”) interested in providing Special Inspections and Material Testing Services for the Concourse A Expansion Phase II Project

Communication Infrastructure Design Services – CANCELLED


CLT Airport – Technology Infrastructure

Act as an Owner’s Agent for daily operational and Construction related projects and tasks as needed. These include, but are not limited to: TMA/IMA tasks, internal team tasks, Informal projects, Formal (Capital) projects, other duties as assigned.

 Assist in the review of Construction and/or Design Team generated drawings and specifications as required to install, test and certify new infrastructure for each design review period, between new outlet and equipment device locations, Communications Equipment Rooms and/or Cabinets, and Communications rooms as it relates to the new system installation, and advise CLT Technology Infrastructure of compliance with standards applicable to each entity.

 Recommend inclusion into the design any necessary cabling infrastructure and pathway recommendations to CLT Technology Infrastructure as practical to accommodate future expansion of known campus infrastructure and future tie-ins to planned facilities.

 Review shop drawings, answer Design Team, Contractor and CLT generated Requests for Information, observe the installation as Agent for CLT Technology Infrastructure, and verify compliance with the Design Documents and CLT Technology directives.

 Provide Construction Services to include meeting attendance. These meetings may include pre-construction meetings, OAC Meetings, and other meetings as directed by CLT Technology Infrastructure. Also, perform Construction Observation site visits, identify potential problem areas, generate punch lists as required, recommend solutions and provide reports to CLT Technology Infrastructure for distribution.

 If the company is already engaged as a designer for Communications/Telecom/Special systems, etc., for a project, then the ability to act as an Owner’s Agent, for the same project, under this scope shall be null and void

FY23 Professional Engineering and Land Survey Services for Watermain and Sanitary Sewer Street Main Design/Extensions Contract #3 – CANCELLED

This contract is for professional services in support of the Design and Construction Division. These contracts will allow Design and Construction to assist with LCR projects which typically require a longer and more complicated design process which in turn is more costly. Examples of reasons for increased cost in LCR projects versus typical street main extensions would be the need for geotechnical investigation or wetlands investigation and permitting.

Professional Engineering Services for Various Storm Water Services Projects


Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services (Storm Water Services) is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified engineering companies (Company) to provide Various Storm Water Services Projects (Project). There are four Scopes of Services identified in this RFQ.  Companies may seek consideration for any and all Scopes of Services. The four Scopes of Services are as follows:

Scope of Service A: Stream Restoration Projects

The City anticipates selecting one firm to provide these services on a task order basis. Initial work will include design phase services for a project selected by the City. The Barringer Drive Stream and Wetland Restoration includes stream restoration (for inclusion in the City’s mitigation bank) and wetland restoration/enhancement on tributaries to Irwin Creek. Scoping is anticipated to start in 2022. The specific projects are as follows:

Barringer Drive Stream Restoration


Scope of Service B: Water Quality Improvement Projects

The City anticipates selecting one firm to provide these services on a task order basis. Initial work will include design phase services for a project selected by the City. The Sweden Road Water Quality Improvement Project is a City Facility retrofit project located at the CDOT – Street Maintenance Division Southwest District & Heavy Equipment Shop on 4600 Sweden Road. The project intends to improve stormwater runoff from the City Light Vehicle Maintenance shop by constructing a sand filter and a regenerative stormwater conveyance. Scoping is anticipated to start in early 2022. The specific projects are as follows:

Sweden Road WQ Improvement Project


Scope of Service C: Unspecified Stream Restoration Projects

The City anticipates selecting one (1) or more firms to provide these services on a task order basis. Initial work will include design for potential repairs identified through monitoring reports.  In addition, two (2) or more stream restoration projects which may begin in 2022.


Scope of Service D: Unspecified Pond and Dam Rehabilitation/Water Quality Improvement Projects

The City anticipates selecting one (1) or more firms to provide these services on a task order basis for two (2) or more pond and dam rehabilitation/water quality enhancement projects. This category may include project initiation planning for multiple projects that are not specified at this time. Additional tasks may include design services for repair of existing projects. These projects are anticipated to start scoping in 2022.