Citywide On-Call Cabling Services

The City requires qualified and experienced Companies to provide on-call low voltage cabling installation and renovation services. These Services include, but are not limited to, installation and maintenance of: data cabling, Ethernet, building wiring, fiber optic installations, voice and/or data network installation, network cabling, hardware testing and certification, audio and/or video cabling, radio frequency (“RF”), cabinet installation, bonding and grounding, patch cables, and backboards.

Airport Customs & Border Protection Facility Renovations

This is a Construction Management at Risk (CM@R) project.

The Customs & Border Protection (CBP)  Facility Renovation project  demolishes and reconstructs all interior areas of the existing  CBP Facility.  The project also expands the terminal connector between Concourse D, & Concourse E, adding approximately 15,000 square feet of leasable space.

SAFE Charlotte Professional Consulting Services – Recommendation 6 – Recruitment/Residency

The city is seeking services to apply a behavioral science approach to the city’s officer recruitment process and residency incentives. The service provider should have experience applying behavioral science in the public safety, specifically the law enforcement sector and demonstrated impact. This work will address Recommendation 6 – Recruitment and Residency, as adopted in the SAFE Charlotte report by Charlotte City Council on October 26, 2020.

Aviation Business Consulting Services – CANCELLED

CANCEL: Charlotte Douglas International Airport is seeking a Company to provide Business Consulting Services. These services should include:

  • Researching industry trends related to, but not limited to contracting trends, benchmarking data and identification of new revenue streams
  • Provide detailed profit analysis in an effort to maximize revenues and utilization of space
  • Providing other services within its field of expertise as requested by the Aviation Director

CMGC HVAC Replacement Construction Manager-at-Risk

City of Charlotte (City) is seeking to acquire the services of a Construction Manager-at-Risk (CMR) for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center HVAC Replacement Project (Project). The Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) estimate for the Project is $20,400,000 (the Target GMP Range).

The City has selected CMTA, Inc. (Mechanical Engineer) to provide mechanical design services for replacement of the HVAC system in the existing 14 story, nominally 440,000 square foot facility located at 600 East 4th Street (parcel number 223-132-08). This facility is known as the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center (CMGC) and houses several City and County Departments.

 The CMR shall contract directly with the City for all construction; shall publicly advertise as prescribed in NCGS 143-129; and shall prequalify and accept all bids from first-tier subcontractors for all construction work under this section. The CMR shall use the prequalification process determined by the City in accordance with NCGS 143-135.8.

Construction will be phased and start in August 2021, and is anticipated to be complete in August 2025.  The facility will remain open and in operation during the construction period.

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Site and Civil Engineering Design Services

The City of Charlotte (City) is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from firms/teams (Firms) to provide site and civil engineering design services (Services) for various unspecified projects on an as-needed basis.  Award to multiple firms is anticipated.  The total estimated expenditures across all contracts is estimated at $300,000 per year.

The City is responsible for the operations and maintenance of 200+ municipal facilities, structures, and assets, with a range of uses including office, warehouse, storage, parking, vehicle maintenance, communication towers, and public safety. As-needed site and civil engineering design services for maintenance or minor renovation projects span the entire facility portfolio.

Typical site and civil engineering design requests may include, but are not limited to, the design of parking lots, sidewalks, and driveways; storm drainage systems; site grading; retaining walls, erosion control, and planting.  The selected Firm may be required to provide emergency services on short notice and within a tight time schedule.


Mechanical Engineering Design Services

The City of Charlotte (City) is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from firms/teams (Firms) to provide mechanical engineering design services (Services) for various unspecified projects on an as-needed basis  Award to multiple firms is anticipated.  The total estimated expenditure across all contracts is $500,000 per year.

The City is responsible for the operations and maintenance of 200+ municipal facilities, structures, and assets, with a range of uses including office, warehouse, storage, parking, vehicle maintenance, communication towers, and public safety. As-needed mechanical engineering design services for maintenance or minor renovation projects span the entire facility portfolio.

Typical mechanical engineering design requests may include, but are not limited to, the design/installation of new or replacement HVAC equipment associated with air or water cooled chillers; split, unitary, and rooftop systems; heat pumps and geothermal systems. Plumbing expertise, including distribution of hot water and chilled water, is essential for some systems across the facility portfolio. Some design needs may include smaller renovation projects such as sink and water fountain additions.

Additionally, investigation and scoping studies related to mechanical systems may be requested, including the need to address comfort and/or operations. Energy efficient design is directed by the City Sustainable Facilities Policy; it is common to request alternate solutions with an emphasis on energy efficiency. Some projects may require like for like equipment change-outs but others may require load calculations be run on facilities. Energy studies may be performed at some facilities. The selected Firm may be required to provide emergency services on short notice and within a tight time schedule.

Structural Engineering and Deck Inspections

The City of Charlotte (City) is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from firms/teams (Firms) to provide structural engineering design services and deck inspection services (Services) for various unspecified projects (Project) on an as-needed basis.  Award to multiple firms is anticipated.  Total estimated expenditures for these services across all contracts is $300,000 per year.

Services may include inspection of City parking decks and providing repair design services. Decks will be inspected in accordance with professional standards and a report will be provided on the physical condition of the decks along with recommendations for needed repairs. If any imminently dangerous conditions are identified, the Firm will design any required emergency repairs.

Typical structural engineering needs may also include the design of non-standard drainage structures; non-standard headwalls; junction boxes; inlets; manholes; endwall treatments; retaining walls; structural engineering review of shop drawings, and evaluation/design of shoring for buildings and roadways.

Each project may range from a single structure to multiple structures. Some of these projects may be in response to an urgent, unanticipated need that requires services on an expedited basis; therefore, the selected Firm may be required to provide emergency services on short notice and within a tight time schedule.


Disparity Study Services

The Disparity Study requested by this RFP will be used to aid the City in evaluating and improving its current programs. The results and recommendations will serve as a reference document in the creation of directives, standards and practices. The City wishes to undertake all necessary and affirmative steps to ensure that Historically Underutilized Businesses (“HUB”) are afforded opportunities to participate in City contracts.