Innovation & Technology / Technology Goods & Services
Posting Number 08 2021-Q3(Jul-Sep)-IT-6284
Anticipated Posting Date 2021-08-10
Commodity Code(s): 91812, 91821, 91828, 91829, 91830, 91858, 91871, 91890
Solicitation Link:
The City is seeking consultant knowledgeable and experienced in the use of business information systems and technology best practice methodologies to conduct a needs assessment and prepare a strategic plan to serve as a road map for addressing the short and long-term technology business systems needs of the City. The plan should contain clear goals and action items that will move the City forward and should be structured in a manner that allows for ease and clarity of implementation by staff and other resources. The Company shall conduct a study of current infrastructure and systems, offer recommendations, determine whether a different direction might improve business continuance strategies, and to discover ways to improve efficiencies.
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